Chapter 10: Where Am I?

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Emma's pov.
I started to flicker my eyes, slowly trying to open them up. As one eye opened it shut just as fast. The light was to bright. I opened them both slowly trying to get used to the light. It started out blurry but then it got clearer. I looked down to see that I was in some bed and the room was white and next to me was a beeping machine. Next to me was some person asleep next to me. I could not see his face because it was face down on the bed, but it looked like a boy.

He started to wake up and sat up. I gasped to see that it was Luke. Why was look here, where ever I am? "Morning sleeping beauty" I said sounding cheerful. He gasped, and jumped back. I guess I scared him lol. "What the fudge! You scared me! And your stack!" He said at first angry and then happy. A HUGE smile came across his face. And then he hugged me! Witch felt vary wrong, manly because all I had on was some wired looking dress. "Um excuse me!" I said yelling "oh sorry" he said stepping back a little rubbing the back of his neck. His checks started to turn pink. Is He bushing! I thought to my self. "Where am i?" I said looking around. "Your at a hospital" he said. "What?" I replayed confused how in the world did I get here? "What do you remember?" He asked in his cute voice. "I remember you taking me home, I went in side my dad.." I stoped not wanting to remember. He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile. I took a deep breath and kept going "well he um.. through me. Just another day at my house" I said with a small laugh and a small smile, trying to lighten the mood. But that just seemed to make Luke mader. I cleared my throat "any way I remember you crashed through the door And punched my dad and you ran to me. That's all I remember" I said looking at his big blue eyes that you can get lost in. I slowly moved my eyes from his eyes and moved to his lips. When I noticed he noticed I looked away faster then you could say u. I looked down at my lap. I could feel my face starting to warm up. "Wait how long have I been asleep" I said looking up fast. "3 days" he said as if it was nothing!! I had 2 fights in the last 3 days! "WHAT!" I said moving my lags trying to get off this stupid bed. But of course he held me back "what do you think your doing" "getting out of bed, Du" I said trying to make him let go. I moved my hand to smack him away but when I got it up a moved it a little and it made a snap sound! "Ahhhh!!" I screamed louder then loud. My arm felt like someone was cutting it but burning it at the same time! What the hell! Luke grabbed me and put my arm down but he just made it 10 times worse! "AHHHHH!!" I screamed out even louder then before. Luke ran out yelling out for a nurse. I crouched down holding my arm I stated rocking my self and started to sing the song my mom and me sung together. Luke and a few nurses ran in and over to me and stared to move me back to laying on the bed. They were asking questions but I was not listening I was just singing softly thinking of my mom. Good thoughts of my mom but then the image of my mom dyeing and me at her funeral. My dad beating me, all the bullying, my fights. All the anger the sadness it just poured out. As I cryed, all the nurses stoped they looked at me. They probley thought I was crying from my arm, yes my arm hurt but the thought of my life hurt more. Luke ran to me shoving the nurses away and hugged me. I put my head in his chest and cryed tell I fell asleep in his arms.

24 hours latter: Morning 8:16

I woke up to the sound of clapping. Luke also woke up and we both looked up. Only to see, the one, the only,
Marija Jones
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