Chapter 2

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Emma's P.o.v

The second I walked into the doors the whispers began. Is that sad? Yes, yes it is.

I walked over to my locker slowly ignoring the mean names and the pushes and shoves. I just kept walking like I have for the past 5 years. After going through this for so long you get used to it.

When I finally got to my locker I started putting in my code. When I opened it however there was something that I really should have expected. As much as I tried not to I still let a scream slip out. I jumped back not wanting anything to get on me.

There only a few feet away from me was a pile of dead frogs. They have done something like this with the dead rats but this was a little different. This time there was more of them and their eyes were still open. Their eyes were cold and gray looking. It was like I could tell their souls were gone.

I seriously hope they found these frogs dead and didn't actually kill them. I may be a street fighter but that's just my night job, it doesn't make me cold hearted. I still love animals.

And in reality I've never actually killed someone before. I've been close but I've always stopped myself from crossing that line. I'm positive that if I needed to I could do it but until that day I don't want to have that on my conscious.

My thoughts were stopped short when I heard laughing behind me. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath before I turned around. There was a large circle of people standing all around me. They all had their phones out, which I assume was so they could take pictures and videos of my reaction.

I'm sure they didn't expect me yelling.

"Very funny!" I yelled sarcastically, as I looked back at my locker that was filled with the poor dead frogs. Even though it was sad it was still gross. I'm definitely not a frog person. And after this I probably never will be.

"Thanks I thought you would just love it! and who knew the nerd has such a attitude. Maybe you should check yourself before you say something you will regret." I heard a boys voice say behind me.

They were right I shouldn't have said anything. It may cause more problems that I don't need in my life right now. I let my emotions get in the way of my judgment, which cant happen again.

I turned around to see who had the nerve to say that to me. It was just some boy that was in my English class last year. He was also on the football team which made his crazy popular. I remember him bullying me but not as much as some of the other jocks used to. Looks like that's going to change this year.

He just stood there like an idiot laughing and pointing. Oh how I wanted to go over to him and punch him so hard where the sun doesn't shine. To hit him over and over until he passed out.

However I'm to smart to do that. I did not want them to know that I could fight cause I'm sure someone would pass on the message to my enemies. I was the nerd. I hated it but I couldn't let anyone find out that I was the Panther, the best street fighter in the whole state.

I wasn't the one who choose the name, the crowd did when I won my very first fight. I guess they called me that because I was quick, strong and ruthless. Just like the animal.

All of a sudden the boy who pulled the prank on me walked quickly over to me. He shoved me against the lockers making me fall right on my butt.

"Hey Ryan, pour the egg on her!" Some random boy shouted. I looked up assuming that it was one of Ryan's followers. Everyone in the crowd cheered happily telling the boy to do it.

I looked up to see what he would do and what I could do. He looked down at me with the biggest smirk. I had to come up with something to do. I couldn't just beat him up like my instincts were telling me to do. So I did the next best thing.

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