Chapter 16: Did You Even Look For Me?!

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Emma's P.O.V
I waited out side. I was setting next to a Bush shivering because it was at east 65° outside. All the sudden I saw a car pull up. I stud up and looked at the car, it was a black mustang. The same car as Luke's. It parked and Luke got out. He looked around and stoped when his eyes hit Me. I ran to him and he ran to me. It was like on of those romantic movies where the couples run to each other in slow moshn. I jumped onto him, pulling him into a bear hug. I didn't want to let go. I felt so safe with him. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. "Where the hell have you been! I was so worried!" He yelled. I just looked at him. I wanted to tell him everything, until I looked down and saw he was in his pyjamas! Was he sleeping? Well I was missing? No he would have looked for me non stop. Right? "Sooo, are you going to talk?" He asked with addatud and tiredness. "Did you look for me?" I asked coldly and straight. He looked at me his eyes going soft, his face started to loss color. Oh my God! He didn't look for me! He opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted him "Take me home" I said as I got in his car. He just stud there in the cold, thinking. What about, I don't know and I don't care. I was shore he would have looked for me. I know we don't know each other that we'll, but still. He hoped in the car and looked at me. I just looked out the window not wanting to even look at him. "Emma, " he stared to say but I cut him off "drive" he let out a deep breath and did as I said. I thought about how when I was in that room and walking to find an exit all I could think of was Luke and how hard he was looking for me. Never giving up, never sleeping. But I guess I was wrong about him. We pulled up to his house. Why we're we at his house? He got out and walked to the door. I just sat there, refusing to get out. Until he opened my door and picked me up wedding style. I flinched at his arms being around me but I kept my face straight. He walked inside the house and up the stairs. I remembered the first time I came here. Before I knew it I was on Luke's bed living down. I sat up and saw Luke in his bathroom looking for something. He came back with a first add kit. He grabbed my hands and started dabbing them with something and stung ALOT. I jumped up a little and put my hand in his. I moved at away slowly. "Why is your hand bloody? " he asked calm. I desited to tell him the truth, just this once. "I had to knock this girl out to find the exit" I said as if it was nothing. He looked up fast with hurt in his eyes. I don't like How he looks at me with pity in his eyes. I don't need his pity. "Who took you?" he asked eagerly. I just looked down not wanting to answer. But he picked up my head making me look him in the eyes. We were just inches apart. If we just moved a little more we would be kissing. I wanted to lean in, even though he did not look for me. I still felt something for him, but he pulled away from me. He didn't like me. I knew it, I mean how could he I mean look at me. I stud up and was walking to the door when he grabbed my arm. I looked at him he had hurt but love in his eyes. "Just stay the night" he said softly. I nodded. He gave me a T shirt and I walked to the bathroom. Before I put on the shirt I took a 5 minute shower. After I put on the shirt and put my hair up in a Hugh pony tale. I walked out to see Luke with pajama pants on with no shirt. He had a 6 pack and was tan. I walked over to the bed and grabbed a pillow. "What are You doing?" Luke asked confused. "Um I'm grabbing a pillow to sleep on the ground." I Saud in a dumb voice. He just looked at me. "You can sleep on the other side of me" he replayed sliding into the left side of the bed. I stud there, probley looking dumb. I walked over to the bed slowly and got into the right side putting the blankets over me. Thus was awkward but at the same time it felt good and safe. He turned off the light which made me gasp because I'm a afread of the dark. I was scared until, I felt Luke's arm wrap around me. I stud frozen. Luke has his arm around me! "Goodnight" he said softly. "Goodnight" I replayed back. I slowly started to drift away, feeling safe in his arms. Until I was in my dream, or should I say Nightmare.
939 words
Hey Eveyone sorry I haven't updated in a while I've just been busy. I am going to update every Munday. Anyway hope u liked the chapter, please vote and comment to let me know what you think.

Secret LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora