Chapter 29: Date - Part 1

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Emma's outfit for date on the top.
Emma's P.O.V

I spent the holl night with Luke. We just talked and watched moves and kind of made out. Its now the morning and I can feel his deep breaths on my neck. Were in a position of the big and little spoon. I'm of coarse I'm the little spoon. Even when He is alseep, he is still the most good looking guy I have ever seen. I can't believe I had to pretend and be dead. It broke my heart to see him like that. I got so close to running after him, so many times. I just wanted to run up and kiss him and to tell me everything was okay, but I couldn't 1. Because people wanted me dead 2. They would have killed him and 3. Marija.

Marija was always there for me even when I was a complete mess. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Luke grown. I turned my head to see if he was awake or not. He was. He was already looking at me and smiling. "Hey" He said In a sweet tired voice. I smiled too, he sounded so dam cute. "Hey" I said back softly. "Want brictfist? " he asked getting excited. "I would love that, almost as much as I love you" I said leaning in for a quick peck on the lips. "That was sweet, almost as sweet as your chapstick" he said with a smirk. I started laughing hard at his small joke. He slowing sat up not removing his arms from around my waist so I was forced to seat up as well. "Uggg" I groaned at the loss of heat. "Oh come one all make stuffed French toast!" He says in a sing song voice. That's all it takes for me to pirk up. I nod my head up and down in excitement. "Yes,yes,yes, let's do that. Its been forever since I've had that!" I hope off the bed and then stop in my tracks. I turn around "were's the kitchen?" I ask. He looks around thinking. "Not shore, I just got here yesterday and then You showed up, so I just stayed in here All night." He shrugged. "Hey I have an idea, you and me are going on a date tonight. Meet me here at 7:30, I well have marija take you shopping. All text her how you should dress, deal?" He asks with excitement and hope in his eyes. There is something about this look that could just make a girl melt. "Okay, sounds good." I say. I wonder were he is going to take us? Probably the movies or to the park. Most guys don't have a single romantic bone in there body. "Well I have to go get ready for the date, Marija well pick you up in 20 minutes" he said happily texting on his phone. "Um,okay" I said a bit sad I dont get to spend the day with him. "Okay, I well see you in a little, love you" he kisses my forehead and walks to the door. Oh my gosh, he loves me!! I could feel a smile form on my lips. "I Love you to" I say a bit shy. He stops and turns around to give me a warm smile. Oh how I love his smile. He opens the door and walks out leaving me alone in his room, waiting for marija.

Time skipped to them going into the mall:

"Come on, come on! We only have 2 hours to spend at the mall and then we have to go back to my place to get you ready, this is so exiting" She squeals as she tugs me along to the first store, forever 21. I've always liked this store. Marija is looking at dresses, well I look at sunglasses. I need a new pair because Ming brook a few days ago, I dropped them. Marija is looking though the dresses like there made of gold, and studying them as if they were a book. Sometimes she can be so wired. I'm trying on a pair on black and white ones when I hear Marija scream. I run towards her to see what's wrong. My heart is pounding supper fast. "What's wrong!?" I yell and ask at the same time. It most be bad because she all most never screams. "I found the perfect dress!" She says with the biggest smile. I look around, Eveyone is starting at Marija I amusement and confusion. I turn my attention back on Marija. "What?" I ask a bit confused. "I found the perfect dress for your date, now all we need is shoes, bag and jewelry. " she says exited. I turn my attention on the dress She has chosen for me. When I see it my eyes go wide. Its one of the most prettiest dresses iv ever. Its a gold sleeveless dress with gold lace flowers on the top half. The belt is also gold and has a small bow in the middle. Its so cute, but way to classy for me to pull off. "I can't wear this, I'm not pretty enough." I say to Marija. Its true this dress should be worn by someone way prettier than me. "Emma don't even! Your beautiful" she says looking at me with strict eyes. "Now go try it on and we can then move onto everything else. Hurry we only have 1 more hour!" She yells in excitement showing towards the dressing room.

Time skipped to back to marijas

We went shopping for 3 hours which is an hour longer than we were suppose to. It took for ever to find the right pair of shoes. I just wanted some flats but marija said we needed high heels. Which I don't get because this outfit is beyond fancy. Luke is proudly just taking me to the movies. "Hurry Emma!!" Marija yells from outside the bathroom door. When we got back to marijas new apartment She shoved me in the bathroom and told me to take a quick shower. I've only been in here for 5 minutes. Lukly I'm done. I shut off the water and grab a white fluffy towel from the hanger. I wrap it around my tan skinny body that I am supper proud of. I walk out and marija runs towards me. "Come on We have to dry your hair, than curl it the makeup, than outfit!" She yells shoving me in a chair and pulling on my hair as she blow drys it. I don't say anything because Marija looks completely into what she's doing, as if she's on a mission. "Okay done, I have to curl it, stay still." She demands as she puts away the dryer and takes out the curling iron. She slowly goes through my hair curling every strain of hair. There is not a mirror so I can't see what I look like so far because Marija took it down so it would be a surprise. "Okay done with your hair now your makeup" She says happily. She quickly puts hair spray in my hair and turns off the iron. She grabs her makeup kit that is huge and shoves through it.

20 minutes and she is finally done. "Okay now put on your dress. I would let you go into the bathroom bit then you well see your face and hair so I well just turn around now hurry!" She turns away and starts going though everything we bought. I takeoff my towel and quickly pull on my new beautiful dress and look down. It looks okay. "Okay I'm done" I say a bit shy, wanting to see of marija thinks I look okay. She turns around and when she looks at my her face glows with excitement. "Emma, you look amazing! Now put on Eveything else, it's layed out on the bed, I have to use the restroom" She walks over to the bathroom and shuts the door. I walk over to the bad to see my new gold high heals, pair of gold hoops and my gold purse. I guess the theme of my outfit is gold. I smile to my self as I put on Eveything. When I'm done Marija walks out but stops in her tracks when she sees me. She gasps and puts her hand over her mouth. "W-what" I stuider nirvas. "You look, just, gorges" she said with a big smile. "Go look" She said pointing her hand to the bathroom. I slowly walk over and look at myself in the mirror. "Oh my god" I say to my self. The person in the mirror is so pretty. I looked like a princesses. "Ding-dong-ding-dong" the door bell rings loudly. "Emma your Prince charmings here!" Marija sequels. I run over to the door and open it. Luke is standing there in a tux. He had his hair swoshed back and smelled like Ross's. He looked hot! I mean handsome, vary vary handsome. "Hey" I say shyly. He is still looking at me wide eyes, looking me up and down. "You,You,You look amazing!" He says still in shock.

After 5 minutes of just standing there looking at each other we finally make it out of the building. We walk out of the building and is met with a big black shiny limo. Luke walks up to the door and opens it for me. I stand there in shock. "Luke?" I say in shock. "Ladies first" he says with a big smile. I walk slowly to him and get in the limo. He slides in after me. "So, we're we going?" I ask, because I'm pretty shore we are not going to a movie. "Well first were going to dinner, than its a surprise. " He says happily. For the rest of the car ride we talk about life, the limo, how we're going to adopt a dog together, things like that" we finally pull up to the restraint. When I get out after Luke, I stand there shocked. I've heard about this place. Its one of the most busiest, popular, and well best restraint in this state. Its a 6 star restraint. And the stars only go up to 5, that's how good this place is.

"Alright let's go"

1773 words
Hey, hope you liked the chapter. I'm going to make this chapter 2 parts I well update next Monday. Okay well please vote and comment, also sorry if there's any spelling errors.  Thanks:

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