Chapter 22: "Right"

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Hello, okay so I started a new book, it's about surfing so if your interested. Please read it and vote for my first chapter. It's called "waves"

This chapter well start at the beginning of the day
Luke's P.O.V

I woke up to my stupid alarm going off. "Beep,beep,beep,beep" before it could beep one more time I slammed my hand on the alarm to shut it up. I sat up and remembered today was school. It would be Emma's first day back. Last night she told me she would still be the nerd. That made me happy, I didn't want someone to find out and for her to get hurt again. I hopped out of bed and opened my window to let in the light. I walked to my closet and picked out some blue jeans a plain blue shirt with black vans. I was already running late so I skipped my morning shower and ran down stairs. Like usual my parents aren't home. The day after my mom kicked out Emma because she want to spend time with me, she got a call saying she had to go to new York for work. It didn't surprise me. My mom never stays for long, and my dad almost never comes home.

I decided I would just eat breakfast at school. I walked outside locking the front door behind me and walked to my car. After unlocking it I hopped in and stared to drive to school. When I pulled up I didn't see Ryan in are usual meeting place, next to a tree next to the front doors. He's probably just late. I'll see him at lunch, Since I don't have any classes with him till 4th period.

.Time skipped to 3rd period.

First and second period went by okay. I didn't really pay attention tho. I was exited to see Emma in the next class. Even tho she would look like a nerd, I know who she really is. I get to seat next to her. I was walking to history. I opened the door to see Emma wasn't already there. I sat down And started to take out some stuff when the door opened and in walked Emma. But she wasn't a nerd. She was just, Emma. No nerd costume, she was just her self. Even tho she lied to me, I couldn't help but notice how beautful she looked. Eveyone Suddnly got quiet. She walked over to the teacher and talked. I couldn't hear what they were saying because I was so far away. After a few more seconds she turned around and walked over to me. Before she sat down she looked around at the class "you can talk now" She said calmly before sitting down. She looked at me with a plain look on her face. I started to get red. What if someone is in a gang at the school and they kidnapped her, because she came to school acting like her self. "Okay just calm down, deep breaths" She said smiling intently at me. I took a deep breath and calmed down a little but I was still upset about how she lied to me. "Why arent you a nerd?" I asked in a calm voice. "nerd, I never really liked that word. I mean, just because I'm smarter than you, you have to bully me? I mean it's not my fault your dumb, but anyway to answer your question, I'm not a 'nerd' because I want to be myself." Is all she said before taking out things for class, like some papers for are project That we did at my house a few weeks ago. I looked at her with a what I'm guessing wired expression. "Okay" I said and took the project from her. If she wants to be her self, who am I to stop her. I'm just glade she's happy.

The bell rang telling us it was lunch. Thank goodness because I'm starving. I didn't get breakfast this morning. Emma walked out first. I packed up my things and walked out heading towards the lunchroom when I heard the sound out someone complaining about how bad something hurts. I know the voice, it's Ryan. The noise was coming from the boys bathroom. The halls were almost empty. I walked over making sure to be quiet. I put my ear to the door and listened. It was talking to someone but they never heard them yet. "Do you see what she did?! I can't belive you let her escape! And now she is her" yelled Ryan angry. "It wasn't my fault. Addy tried to stop her." Said a deep guys voice. What in the world were they talking about? "I should have killed her when we kidnapped her" Ryan said softly. There was a moment of silence. I was about to leave, when the door flew open. And there stood Ryan. He looked at me for a second, behind him was a boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He looked like a ruff guy. I looked back at Ryan, He had a plain face. All the sudden something just clicked. Ryan kidnapped Emma. With the help of this guy! He held her for 2 weeks.
I was brought out of my thoughts when he pulled me inside and locked the door. I was surprised at how strong Ryan was. Ryan was never the strong fighter like me. I mean he was good at sports but never fighting. "Luke, if you want to keep your new friend safe you have to do exactly what I say" said Ryan looking me dead in the eye. What the hell was he talking about? Ryan looked away at the boy and nodded his head to the door. The boy walked to the door and left, leaving just me and Ryan Alone. "You kidnapped Emma" I said between gritted teath. I could feel my face starting to burn up. He just made me so angry. "Yes, but. All make you a deal. You just have to listen" he said calmly as if he has done this before. "Who are you?" Is all I could say. I was so confused.

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