chapter four

36 15 2

[Published on June 5th, 2016]

- Year Eighteen, December, Eliza's Wedding Day -

Fate is a funny thing.

One moment you're five years old, swinging on the once new swing-set of your neighborhood playground, and within the next breath you are twenty six, your mom sliding a large white flower into your hair on the day of your wedding. 

"Are you ready?" Susanne asked, the wrinkles under her eyes crinkling as she smiled at her only daughter as she got ready to give her life away to a boy who had loved her for as long as she could remember.

She cared for him, she knew that, but was it love?

Her hands shook as she was turned around and saw herself in the mirror, her soft lips trembling softly.

"I guess." She whispered, staring into her own eyes, her true hesitation then revealed. 

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