"Interesting theory babe." Oliver hummed out loud. I looked at him in surprise. 

"You're thinking loudly." He stated, answering my question before it could even form in my head. 


"What theory?" Noah asked.

"Just about Jansen and Jake, nothing important." Oliver answered, intentionally getting their attention.

"What do you mean?" Jake frowned. 

"I don't mean anything." 

"You obviously do." Jansen but in, frowning as well. 

Oliver kept avoiding their questions for his own entertainment, and Noah laughed at his antics. Rolling my eyes, I tried to keep my mind on track. I hoped Oliver knew that actually telling Jake and Jansen my theory would probably make Jake feel guilty- as if it were his fault Jansen would want to stay in the future rather than going home.

"I know, I know." Oliver told me out loud again.

"Get out of my head." I pouted. He only winked at me.

"Dammit, what do you know?" Jake asked, jumping up. He and Oliver weren't close, but I knew they'd get along as well due to their similar slightly dark personalities. I laughed as they argued more.

I'm glad you're getting along with everyone better.

I didn't think I would be able to get along with Jake, but he isn't too bad I guess. Especially since he stood up to Axel and Vladen for you. Oliver explained. 

Yeah, it was pretty brave of him. I wonder why he would honestly. He doesn't seem to have a crush on me or anything.

Hmm. Was the only reply Oliver had to that. He looked deep in thought.

"Jake, can I ask you something?" Oliver questioned. Jake nodded as a response, but looked a little unsure as if Oliver was going to ask something dreadful. 

"Why would you stand up to Vladen, risking your own death,  for someone you barely knew? Not to mention that person had already betrayed your entire nation as well." 

Jake seemed frozen for several seconds, looking almost embarrassed, but when he spoke, I was dumbfounded. 

"I feel sort of... I don't know... Attached? I moved without thinking. When I first met her, I had no odd feelings toward her, but the more we talked the more I felt something pulling me in toward her." He answered simply. I wondered if it was because I was a Pure, but Oliver was apparently on an entirely different train of thought.

"Jake were you adopted?" Oliver asked suddenly. Mentally, I face-palmed. He looked a lot like his father, so I could guess the answer to that.

"Um, no. As far as know I'm a direct descendant from my parents." He laughed, but looked confused. 

"Were either of your parents from the 'vampire nation'?" Oliver questioned further. For a moment, Jake hesitated. 

"No, but my mom's mother was. Why do you ask?" He gave Oliver a look of bewilderment; as did I.

"You don't seriously think that-" 

"It's just a thought." Oliver cut me off, shrugging. "Weirder things have happened after all." 

"What?" Jake asked, a perplexed look on his face. Oliver smirked, obviously not going to say anything. I, however, felt like this should be announced. 

"He's crazy; he believes that we might somehow be related." I told him, giving him a look that said I disagreed. For a moment, Jake paused, looking at Oliver, who had a betrayed expression on his face.

Pure Blood (Book two of the Blood Series)Where stories live. Discover now