Chapter 8

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Authors Note: Sorry that the previous chapter was so short! I just wanted the next scene to happen separately, if you know what I mean. Also, I have a question; Do I have Nick and Judy in character? I'm doing the best I can, but it's not that easy, for me at least. So, if you know of a way I can make them seem more, well, them, just tell me!

Judy was about to say more, when Nick suddenly grabbed her shirt, pulled her in and kissed her. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she slowly melted into it, eyes closing in pleasure. After a moment of passionate lip lock, they slowly drew away from each other. Judy looked down, a slight smile on her blushing face. Nick smiled, eyes glimmering.

"That was beautiful Judy," he said.

She let out a delighted huff. "I'm guessing that you're referring to the speech."

Nick nodded. "Yup, but the kiss..." he trailed off as Judy looked back down. "Was fantastic."

The bunny looked back up, a wider smile on her face. "Oh Nick..." She jumped at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He laughed in surprise and hugged back, digging his muzzle into her neck.

"I thought I might lose you." Judy said, tears streaming into Nicks already damp fur. He pulled away and looked her in the eyes.

"Carrots," he said. "I will always be here. You will never lose me."

She let out a laugh and wiped her eyes. " you, Nick."

He smiled. "I love you to, Judy."

They again embraced, Nick rocking the sobbing bunny back and forth gently.

About half an hour later, Judy was asleep in the chair, and Nick was resting peacefully in the bed. He was nearing sleep, when a doctor suddenly walked into the room.
She was a crocodile; tall, bulky, with a ring in her long tail. A wolf nurse came in behind her and checked the machines that Nick was hooked up to, while the doctor smiled at him, said hello, and checked some papers.

After hearing all the noise, Judy awoke. And upon seeing the doctor, she jumped up and ran to the doctor.

"Whats the news?" she yelled, unable to contain herself. "Whats the news? Will he be okay? Come on, tell me!" Her eyes burned in exhaustion and worry, but her ears were perked with anger.

The doctor leaned down and looked Judy in the eye. "Can I have a word alone with Mr. Wilde? You will know everything soon." she said calmly, a sympathetic smile on her face.

Judy sighed and nodded. She let the nurse lead her into the hall. Once the door to Nick's room had closed, she sighed and plopped down on a chair. A tear rolled down her cheek, as she thought about the capture, the rescue, the fight, the injury, the kiss... They had been through so much together. She couldn't lose Nick now.
"Surely he'll be fine," she whispered to herself. "Oh please God, let him be fine."

Nick smiled and shook hands with the crocodile. He acted calm, but his heart was racing. What is she about to tell me? Why can't Judy be in here for it?

She sat down in the chair next to Nick's bed, still smiling in that uniform way that doctors do. She again glanced over some papers, then looked back up at Nick.

"I'm Doctor Lana Ringwater," she said, reaching out her scaly hand in a offer to shake hands. Nick obliged, holding in a sigh of anxiety. After shaking hands, Lana sighed. Her eyes met Nick's, and the fox swallowed. The golden green orbs were filled with sorrow and regret. Sorrow and regret...for me. Nick thought.

"Mr. Wilde," Lana started. "You have clearly been through a lot over the past few weeks." Nick nodded solemnly.

"This is the part I hate the most," Lana continued nervously. Nick noticed that there was slight tremor in her voice. "The electrocution caused severe damage to a couple of your vital organs; your heart and your stomach. It also caused damage to your liver. We can save them, if we go through with treatment."

Nick listened, heart painfully racing. Severe damage? How severe? What kind of treatment?

Lana sighed again. "As for your leg..."

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