Chapter 6

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Authors Note: Hey guys! I hope your enjoying this so far. Just wanted to let you know that, if any of you feel like I'm copying your Zootopia fanfic, I'm not. I started planning this story in my mind the night after seeing the movie, and I didn't start reading fanfics on here till a couple nights later. Now, I have drawn inspiration from other fanfic's that I've read on here, but who doesn't? I just wanted to ease that worry, if you felt it. Also, don't be alarmed by the title change! I just thought Purple Hearts worked better for the this story than the original title, Bleeding Purple.

Irving and Rosco ran down the hall, following the sound of the voices. They came upon the cells, and slowed their pace in surprise, but they kept moving. After a few more moments, they found the cell from which the voices were coming.

Tears of joy were streaming down Judy's face as Rosco broke down the heavy grate door. She rushed towards him and tried to hug his big frame, laughing gleefully. The rhino smiled, then leaned down and picked up the bunny. She went limp in his strong arms, a tired grin on her face as tears continued to leak from her eyes.
Nick was smiling widely, and he limped out the door too the Irving. He shook his hand. "Thanks a lot, houndy," He looked up at Judy fondly. "We were wondering if we would ever get outta here." The blood hound smiled. "No problem, Nick, no problem."

They walked down the hall, Judy asleep in Rosco's arms, and Nick leaning on Irving for support. Suddenly, the blood hound stopped. Nick looked up at him, confused.

"What is it, Irv's?"

Irving sniffed deeply. "It's just...earlier when we were looking for ya, I noticed a slightly familiar smell, but I didn't pay any attention because I was following your trail. But, now that I get a better sniff of it, I think I know why it was familiar."

Nick frowned in worry. "What?"

"Cassandra," the dog muttered, a growl forming in his throat.

Nick and Judy hopped into the back seat of the police car and quickly buckled they're seat belts. They're eyes were wide in panic.

"So, the cheetah that captured us got a job at ZPD?" Nick asked incredulously.

Irving nodded from gun shot. "Yep,"

"What's her job? How did this happen?" Judy exclaimed through clenched teeth, all drowsiness gone. Her fists opened and closed aggressively.

"She's a sort of helper, I guess," Rosco replied, nostrils flared in anger as he sped towards the police station.

Nick threw his head back against the seat, flinching as pain shot down his back. "We have to get her outta there, arrest her. She's going for the Night Howler serum! She knows where it is."

Irving looked back at him, a shocked and confused expression on his face. "How did she find that out?"

Nick's ears flattened against his head and he looked down, a whine escaping his slightly opened mouth that only Judy heard. She sighed in agitation, a pitying gleam in her eyes. "That's not important right now. What is important is that we get back to the station and stop her, if it's not to late."

Irving nodded, but his eyes lingered on Nick for a moment before he looked away. Judy saw a look of suspicion in his eyes, and a angry look took over her face, but only for a moment. She didn't want to attract more suspicious attention. But inwardly, she was seething in anger. They didn't trust Nick. They thought that he had told the cheetah about the Night Howler serum and it's location. What they didn't know, was that Nick hadn't been the one to tell Cassandra. It had been her. And they also didn't know what Nick had gone through back at that horrid place.

They finally arrived at the police station, and Judy threw open her door before the car had even stopped. She glanced at Nick the make sure he was okay before she dashed into the ZPD's building.

"Where's Cassandra?" the bunny yelled as she busted through the door. Every animal present turned to her in surprise. She scoffed in anger. "I said, where's Cassandra?" Benjamin slowly pointed towards the hallway leading to the offices and role call room, mouth still agape in shock. The cheetah appeared from the hall, carrying a tray holding crackers and sodas. She was nicely dressed in a flowery blouse and denim skirt, nothing like what she had been wearing back at the building. She had a sweet, alluring smile plastered on her now clean face.
Judy yelled in anger and rushed towards the feline before she had time to react. Judy rammed into her full force, knocking her over from the sudden impact, despite their considerable difference in size. The cheetah hissed in shock and rage and rolled over, grappling to pin the bunny to the ground. Judy was livid with fury, her eyes shining in a slightly mad-looking way. She bared her teeth and bit the Cassandra's arm as she thrashed around wildly. The cheetah screeched in pain and pummeled the bunny with her hand.

After a few moments, Nick, Rosco and Irving dashed into the room. Nick yelled with shock when he saw what was going on. He growled and leaped onto Cassandra, knocking her over. She yelled in fury and swatted Nick away with a powerful, worn paw. The fox landed with a thud a couple feet away. He groaned in pain and tried to stand, but his left leg gave out.

Judy started to run towards him, eyes wide in worry, but she was dragged back by Cassandra. She screamed in terror as she was lifted from the ground by her foot. She heard the cheetah laughing manically, and claws came to her side. She curled in on herself, expecting the worse, when suddenly everything spun out. She landed a few feet away from Nick, near the counter where Benjamin stood watching in horror. She sighed in pain and put her hand to her head. After a split second of dizziness, she remembered Nick and scrambled to him.
He was unconscious, and trickle of blood ran from his head. Judy bit her lip, tears forming in her eyes. She removed her vest and put it against the wound. She then lay his head on the ground and checked his leg. She gasped in shock.
It was twisted at a obscure angle. The bone was showing slightly, having broken and poked through the skin. She put a hand to her mouth, a tear rolling down her cheek. Did she throw him that hard? "Oh Nick..."

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