Chapter 5

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Authors note: Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't been on or updating. Life, ya know? Anyways, now that I'm back, I'll try to update as often as possible! Now, without further ado, the 'long awaited' chapter 5!

"The scent leads into there!" Irving whispered, pointing towards a old, craftily camouflaged building. Rosco stopped the car, studying the building.

"I've never seen this place before,"

"Neither have I. I'm sure that's just what who ever is using it wanted."

Rosco scowled and nodded. "We better get inside and see if we can find Hopps and Wilde."

Irving licked his lips resolutely, opening the car door as quietly as he could. Rosco did the same, a hand on his belt. They headed towards the building simultaneously, heads low, stepping as quietly as they could.

Nick was sitting against the wall, unable to fall asleep. Judy, however, was long gone, head resting on his shoulder. He smiled down at her fondly and wrapped is arm around her. But the smile quickly faded as his thoughts that he had forgot for only moments reappeared. He put his head back against the wall, shaking it and closing his eyes, trying to rid his brain of the memories.

It was completely dark. I couldn't see a thing. I was still groggy, so I couldn't quite comprehend everything, but I knew the blackness wasn't because of the sleeping gas. After a few moments, some of the dizziness faded, and I could try and get my bearings. I tried to sit up, but something was holding me down. There were straps around my limbs and middle, holding me to a table. I sighed in worry and strained against them, but it was know use. I curved my neck and tried to reach my mouth to a strap holding down my wrist. Before my nose even reach the strap, something on my face bumped into it. A muzzle. I let out a muffled yelp of fright and lay my head back down on the table. My heart rate was rising in panic, and beads of sweat were running down my forehead. Where's Judy? Whats happening...
Suddenly, I hear sobbing from near by. Judy! I strain to call out to her, to see if she's okay, but no noise leaves my mouth. My heart speeds up yet more, and I feel the dizziness return. I strain against my bonds, desperate to remove the contraption on my face...

Nick yelped in fright and his eyes flew open. His chest was rising and falling rapidly and beads of sweat dripped into his eyes. He blinked the liquid away and relaxed his hand, which had been clinging in a death like grip to his tail. He took a deep, shuddering breath, a trickle of saliva running from the corner of his mouth. He wiped it away, then closed his eyes, letting out another nervous breath.
Judy stirred next to him. He opened his eyes and looked down at her. Her eyes blinked open, and she looked up at him. She smiled when she realized his arm was draped over her shoulders, but it quickly faded. Her brows furrowed, a knowing look in her eyes.

"What's wrong, Nick?"

He sighed, looking away. "Nothing, carrots."

"Something is. I know that looked on your face,"

"It's nothing!" he snapped, eyes glistening. He immediately regretted it. Judy gazed up at him, mouth slightly open. She licked her lips.

"Judy, I'm sor..." he started, but she put a paw to his lips.

"No, I understand Nick. I shouldn't have pushed you. I'm sorry," She looked away, face sullen. Nick knew she was upset, but that she didn't want to show it, for the fox's sake.

"Judy, I really am sorry. I'm just...scared...that's all."

The bunny turned back to him, a small smile penetrating her pursed lips. "It's alright, Nick. I'm sorry too," She wrapped her arms around his neck. Nick smiled and nuzzled his nose into her shoulder. A tear slipped down his cheek, but he licked it up before it could land on Judy's shoulder.

Rosco rammed into one of the locked doors of the building, braking it down. Irving leaped in behind him, pistol held out in front of him. He walked forwards slowly, the young rhino covering from behind. They walked down the halls of the building, checking every nook and cranny.

"This place sure is bigger one the inside than it looks on the outside." Rosco muttered, eyes scanning a dusty room with random furniture.

Irving scoffed. "You got that right,"

They continued down the halls, alert to every noise, every movement, every smell.

Nick and Judy were still sitting against the wall, a depressing silence hanging over them. They knew that they were both thinking the same thing, but they didn't want to say it out loud. We are doomed.
Suddenly, Judy's ears perked up, and she looked to the cell door. Her eyes were wide and sparkling. Nick looked at her, eyes also going wide.

"What is it?" he asked worriedly.

"I hear voices, and they aren't  the cheetah's or the wolves!" she replied, excitement rising in her voice.

Nick's ears perked and he walked to the door slowly, peering out into the dark hallway. He put his ear to the heavy grate, and a smile spread across his face. "I hear them too, Judy!" he exclaimed, jumping into the air with a whoop. "Hey, down here!" he called, tail swishing rapidly.

Judy scrambled up to him and yanked his arm urgently. "Nick, be quiet! We don't know who they are!"

The fox looked down at her, eyes gleaming with excitement. Judy looked startled. She hadn't seen him like this in days. "It's okay, carrots. It's Rosco and old man Blooder from the ZPD!"

Judy listened again, and a smile spread across her face. "Your right! I hear it now!" She plastered her mouth against the grate. "Hey guys! Its Judy and Nick! We're down here!" They a shout, then footsteps advancing rapidly down the hallway.

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