Chapter 14

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Judy and Lana Ringwater spent the next couple of days helping Nick adjust to the prosthetic leg.
The first day he simply flexed and moved his stump with the leg on, then stood for a couple of minutes. He nearly fell over, not used to the feeling, but Judy was right there to steady him.
The second day he walked around his room a little, leaning on Judy for support. He tripped a couple times, once getting frustrated and ripping the prosthetic off.
The third day he walked up and down the hallway, Judy standing close by.

Nick practiced for a week before he could finally walk with no assistance. Even then he limped. Lana said that he would for the the rest of his life.

The fox and the bunny were surprised by how high-tech the prosthetic was. When Nick lifted his stump to step forward, the leg automatically folded back like a real leg would when walking. And when he moved his stump down, the leg straightened back out. It also looked pretty real, despite the lack of fur and the wires protruding from the sides.

Not long after Nick had mastered walking, the treatment began for his organs. As Lana had said, it was very simple. A machine would glide over him as he lay on a table, sending some kind of radioactive wave into his body, healing the damaged organs.

In a couple more weeks, Nick was finally aloud to return home.

"I'm so proud of you." Judy whispered, her arms wrapped around Nicks neck. Nick smiled down at her, returning the embrace. His paws rested on her sides, and he touched his nose to hers.

"Oh really?" He crooned, a sly look entering his eyes.

"Really," Judy replied, raising her eyebrows. "What's that look for?"

Nick wriggled his fingers, tickling her sides. Judy screeched and sprung away.

"Stop it, you turd!"

Nick laughed, sitting down on his couch. Judy cautiously sat down beside him.

"Don't do that again, sly fox."

"I can't make any promises, dumb bunny."

Judy leaned in and her lips met Nick's.

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