Chapter 3

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Judy awoke to a pitch black room, head pounding and vision blurred. She had fallen asleep in the car, due to sleeping gas. After a moment of regaining her senses, she found that she was a couple feet off the ground. Her arms and legs were pinned to the wall by dense, rubber, bands, holding her up. She strained against them, but they were too strong. Her eyes didn't seem to be adjusting to the dark, everything was still black. She figured that, wherever she was, didn't have any windows. She relaxed, trying to process the afternoons events in her head. Clearly, she and Nick had been captured, by two wolves...all her other thoughts faded away, replaced by a single word, Nick... "Nick! Nick, where are you!" Her heart filled with panic. Where had they taken him? Was he alright? What was happening? "Nick!" She tried to escape her bonds once more, but again failed. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she let out a sob. "Oh, whats happening?" she muttered, feeling helpless.

Suddenly, a light flashed on in front of her. She blinked at the brightness. Apparently, she was not alone in the room. A cheetah stood before, tall, lean, and raggedy. She had a horrible scar through her left eye. "Hello, Judy." The feline muttered, a laugh hissing through her fangs as the bunnys eyes went wide in shock.

"Who...who are you?" Judy stammered.

"I'm nobody,"

"Where's Nick? What did you do to him?"

"The fox is fine,"

Judy let out another sob. "Who are you?"

The cheetah chuckled again. "As I said, I'm nobody. Nobody but someone who wants something."

A confused expression came over Judy's face. "What..."

Another light flickered on, and a table was revealed, with the two wolves standing on either side of it. Judy gasped in horror. Nick was strapped down to the table by his arms, legs and waist. A muzzle was strapped on his face. He looked at Judy, eyes wide in fear. Fresh tears ran down the bunny's face.

"Nick, Nick! Let him go!"

The cheetah laughed hysterically as she strained against her bonds. "Not yet, rabbit. Not until I get what I want."

Judy sobbed again, leaning her head back against the wall. "What do you want?"

The cheetah snarled, fangs glinting in the dim light. "Information. I want to know where you keep the Nighthowler serum."

Judy looked taken aback. "Wha...we destroy all evidence once the case is..."

"I know you still have it! You wouldn't just destroy something that powerful." The feline was seething, a trickle of saliva coming from her jaws.

"No, we don't! We destroyed it!"

"Stop lying to me rabbit, or the fox gets hurt! Tell me where it is!"

Judy looked at Nick. He shook his head, eyes speaking. "No Judy, don't. It'll be okay." Judy looked down, breathing in short sobs. After a moment, she looked up, a weak fire in her eyes. "No, I'm not telling you anything."

The cheetah snarled viciously, and turned to the wolves. "Have it your way, rabbit!" She signaled, and a wolf flipped on a nearby switch. The sound of buzzing filled the room, and Judy noticed a odd machine above the table. What looked like lightning bolted down from it, striking Nick's middle. He cried out in pain as the electricity coursed through his body. Judy screamed in fear.

"Nick! Nick! Stop, no! Please! Stop!"

But the lightning continued, Nick shaking and writhing on the table. After a few more moments, a ear piercing scream rent the air. "Stop!"

The cheetah looked at Judy, and signaled for the wolf to flip off the electricity. She walked up to the sobbing bunny, who was hanging limply in her bonds.

"Are you ready to tell me now, rabbit?"

Judy looked around the feline at Nick, who was looking at her with weak, faded eyes. But they still seemed to plead. "No Judy, don't." But she couldn't let them continue to torture him.

"There is a vault, beneath the Police Station. It holds all our valuebles that we can't get rid of. The Nighthowler serum is down there, along with the cure."

The cheetah bared her fangs. "There's not a vault down there!"

"There is!"

"She's lying! Turn the machine back on!"

As the wolf turned to flip the switch, Judy screamed. "I'm not lying! I promise!"

The cheetah signaled for the wolf to hold off, and looked Judy in the eye. After a moment, she sighed. "I think she's telling the truth. Open the straps."

A wolf pressed a button on the wall and the bands that were pinning they're limbs released. Judy fell to floor and ran to Nick. "Oh Nick, Nick. I'm so sorry. Wake up." she muttered, stroking his face.

"Bring them to the cell," the cheetah growled.

A wolf roughly grabbed Judy by her shirt, while the other picked Nick up in his arm, for he was unconscious. Judy struggled mildly against the wolf. "Nick..." she whimpered, as they were carried to the cell.

They were thrown into the 'cell', which was a dark, rusted, metal room with a large, sturdy grate for a door. As they tumbled to the floor, the door slammed shut behind them, and the wolves walked away. Judy scrambled over to Nick and laid his head on her legs. She clawed the band of the muzzle till it slipped off. A tear fell on the sleeping foxes face. "Oh my Nick...wake up..." she sobbed, laying her head on his chest. The fox began to stir, and Judy sat up. He shifted and groaned, licking his lips. His eyes slowly opened. "Hello, carrots," Judy squealed in delight. "Nick!" She hugged him close, and he slowly wrapped his arms around her neck. "It's all right carrots, it's all right."

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