Chapter 4

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"I'm so sorry that you had to go through that...I'm so so sorry!" She sobbed into his shoulder as they clung to each other. Nick nuzzled his nose into her neck.

"It's okay cottontail, it's not your fault."

"Yes, it is. It's all my fault. If I had..."

Nick pulled back and looked her in the eyes. "It's not your fault, Judy. It's not your fault."

The bunny nodded mildly, eyes closed. Nick hugged her again, a tear running down his cheek.

"Nick, I'm scared."

"I know, Judy. I am too."

Chief Bogo's voice boomed around the rolecall room. "...Wolfe, Hunter, Klucken's Pantry and Odelia's Vegan Foods. Rascall, Feajuro, St. Marecy's. Blooder, Ivory, missing cops Hopps and Wilde. Dismissed."

As they walked to their car, Irving Blooder, a middle aged Bloodhound, and Rosco Ivory, a young rhino, discussed the event of the capture.

"It's odd, the ZPD's two best cops taken, without it even being noticed." Irving commented.

"How can we know that they were taken?" Rosco replied.

"We can't, it just seems odd the they would just disappear for no reason."

"I guess there's only one way to find out."

Nick was asleep, back propped up against a wall. Judy was leaning on his shoulder, trying to fall asleep. But sleep couldn't seem to find her. Images of Nick on that table, strapped down, a muzzle holding is mouth closed, bolts of electricity stabbing his middle, kept flashing through her mind. She shuddered when she thought about it, and beads of sweat ran down her head. She didn't know how Nick took it so calmly. He had been tortured, for goodness sake's, and she seemed more upset about it than he did. Maybe he was hiding it for her sake, or maybe he was just too tired to really process it. Either way, it made her heart skip a beat to think about how their captors had treated Nick, her Nick.

"...Okay, did you notice anything odd at all last night, at about two pm?" Rosco asked a young skunk couple.

"No, I don't believe so,"

"Thank you for your time."

Rosco walked up to Irving with a sigh. "Any luck?"


"Maybe we should move on to physical evidence."

"Good idea, rookie. We clearly aren't getting anywhere just asking."

Nick shifted, licking his lips. Judy had finally fallen asleep, but she woke as soon as she felt the fox move.

"Hey Nick," she whispered softly, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Hello carrots,"

"How are you feeling?"

"Alright, just a little stiff. I have slight flashes of pain every once in a while."

Judy sighed, biting her lip. She felt vile rising in her throat as those memory's again entered her mind. She kissed his cheek, and Nick looked at her with a smile on his face.

"You've never done that before cottontail."

"I have to do things I have been putting off now, in case we don' case we don't make it out of here alive."

Nick's eyes widened and a serious look came over his face. "Don't talk like that, Judy. We will get out of here, I promise."

"How can you promise that? I mean..."

"We will, Judy, we will."

Judy stared into his eyes for a moment, her own moist, then looked down and wearily nodded her head. Nick kissed her on the forehead. She looked up, a smile again appearing on her face, then threw herself on him in a powerful hug, smothering his face with kisses. He laughed and fell to the floor. The bunny rolled off of him, giggling. She lay next to him, staring into his beautiful eyes. "I love you Nick,"

The fox looked shocked. His eyes went wide and his mouth opened slightly. But he quickly closed it, and a wide smile took over. "I love you too, carrots, and I always will."

She moved closer an hugged him again, sighing happily as they embraced each other in true, deep, loving friendship.

Irving was walking quickly down a long alley, sniffing avidly. Rosco followed, fully alert.

"It's them all right," Irving announced. "I smell wolf and...sniff snuff...gasoline...sniff...and...snuff snuff...another kind of gas, but I can't place my foot on what."

Rosco nodded. "There's some blood here on the ground. Looks like there was a struggle. Do you know which way the car went?"

"There were two by the smell of it. They both left the alley..." He ran to where they had entered and sniffed again. "And went that way." He said, pointing right.

"Well, then we better get going!" Rosco said, hopping into the drivers side of the police car. "Can you follow the trail while were driving?"

Irving nodded and hopped in, rolling down the window. Rosco pressed on the gas pedal, and they headed off down the trail.

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