"Hey," I smile back with a little blush. I can see his parents in the kitchen, but before we can greet each other Tweek rushes out the door, slamming it behind him.

"Let's go," He leans up and kisses me on the chin, since he can't really reach my face because of how short he is. He kind of can if he gets on his tippy toes.

"I was gonna say hi to your parents." I tell him, heading for the car.

"N- Mno, you don't need to say h-hi to them. Don't worry about it." He blushes and pulls the seat belt over his chest.

"Why not, do you have a problem with your parents meeting me?" I look at him from the corner of my eye. "And why are you blushing?"

He twitches, "GAH!" He bites his lip and looks at his shoes, "Because, if they met you they'd embarrass me. They did it when I was little. Like, they pull out baby pictures of me naked! And they tell them stories of when I was six and ... I can't tell you and I don't want them to tell you things about me that I don't want you to know. I'D DIE!"

I laugh, "Tweek, okay, calm down and stop biting your lip!" I lean in and kiss him, catching him off guard. But, he doesn't seem to mind. Until I bite his lip.

"GAH! OW!" He jumps. "You bit too hard!" He complains.

"Every time you bite your lip, I'll do it harder." I tell him. "It won't heal if you keep biting it."

"B-but, what about at school?"

I start the car and pull out. "What about school?"

"The kids... will you do it there too?"



"Then don't bite your lip." I laugh as he screams.

You know I thought if we went out then the dreams would stop but they haven't. If anything they've gotten worse. More intense and realistic and it made me want Tweek. Like, I needed him. But, I wasn't about to call him in the middle of the night to come over so we can make out! Plus he didn't even know I had his number so he would have been creped out. I got his number on our date when he wasn't looking. I got his phone and called mine. But, he didn't notice until I texted him this morning. I love Tweek so much, but I'm too embarrassed to say that and I don't think he even knows!

"Hey, Cr-Craig," Tweek bites his fingernails.


"Um, about the party... What was Cl-Clyde talking about when he said his p-plan worked?" He asked.

"Oh, that... Well, Clyde knew I liked you and that's why he did that dare." I tell him. He stares at me. I look at him, "What?"

"That you liked me? How long have you liked me?" He asked. SHIT!

Tweek's POV

"Uh, well..."

He blushes and looks at the road probably cursing in his head. I could tell by the look on his face. "Well, for, like.... Well, I don't know..."

"Oh." I turn back. "Was it long?"

"Well, it's complicated and I don't feel like explaining."

"Why not?" I push. "I want to kn- know. Don't you tr-trust me?" I pout and stare at him with puppy dog eyes. I hope I'm doing this right. If not I probably just look stupid and Craig will think I'm stupid and GAH! I don't want him to think I'm an idiot!

"God, Tweek!" He sighs and moves some of the hair sticking out of his hat from his face. "I trust you, I do. I just... FUCK! I just... It's embarrassing. And I'll tell you later."

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