Samantha rolled her eyes at Cedric's quick wit and then shook her head. She loved and hated that he could easily think of come backs that rivaled hers. It made things interesting, something she valued with guy.

"So what's with all of these books?" he asked and then his eyes widened. "Do you we have an essay due? Or a test tomorrow?"

Laughing, she shook her head. "No we don't, at least I don't think. I'm just trying to figure some stuff out,"

"What kind of stuff?" Cedric asked raising an eyebrow. Samantha Potter was indeed a mystery and he loved finding out a new aspect about her that was leading to the solution of this mystery.

"The attacks, Harry speaking to the snake, the Chamber of Secrets, the Heir of Slytherin," she answered in rushed tone and continued to skim the pages of a book she found about snakes.

"Oh you mean about him being a Parseltongue? All of that hissing?"

Samantha nodded. "Although I didn't hear any hissing," Samantha truly felt like she could trust Cedric. She couldn't explain it but in her heart, she just felt it. "I actually heard what he English,"

Cedric's eyebrows instantly shot up to his forehead. "You-you heard what he said?"

She nodded again, unsure of what to make of his reaction.

"So you're-you're a-so-"

Samantha cut him off. "Yes, I'm a Parseltongue,"

"And you never knew?"

"Yes, Cedric, because I have conversations with snakes on a daily basis," she sassed, rolling her hazel eyes.

"And why wouldn't you? They seem like they have a bunch of stories to tell," Cedric responded with a serious and interested expression.

Samantha couldn't help but laugh. She loved how he could just make a joke to help ease the tension and let go some of the stress she was feeling. This was a new addition to her already complicated life and she didn't know what to make of it.

Was she related to Slytherin?

Should she be in Slytherin house?

Was the sorting hat actually right? Was her gut instinct to choose Gryffindor wrong?

Is she in the right place?

So many questions flooded her mind, and Cedric couldn't help but notice her start to stress since her shoulder started to tense up.

He instantly put his hand on hers and intertwined their fingers.

The questions stopped and Samantha immediately felt warmth rush through her body. She squeezed his hand a bit as a reassurance, and as a thank you.

He was an instant calm to her mental storm and this brought a tug on her heart because nothing could really calm her storm. Usually she would try to diffuse her thoughts but it would never work.

Her mind kept going and going until she would burst into a rage of irrational actions and thoughts and end up doing and saying things she didn't mean.

The Older Potter // HP Older SisterWhere stories live. Discover now