"You're a d-dick!" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Tweek," He finishes his last laugh and looks at me. "I'm laughing because you're cute."

My face flushes and I cover it with my hands. "D-don't say that!"

"What? You're cute?" He asks in a fake confused voice.

"GEH! Stop that!"

"You're cute, Tweek! I think you're adorable. I think you're cute when you twitch and when you're freaking out!"


His laughter fills the car once more. "Okay, you ready?" He asks.

I collect myself and nod. He gets out and gets the skates from the backseat. I get out and look at the lake. He was right, it's huge and it's also very pretty.

It's in the middle of nowhere. Some type of woods, I can tell because there are trees surrounding us and they fall around the lake beautifully.

"Here you go, try these on." Craig hands me a pair of skates.

"O-Okay." I take them and sit down on a log. I almost have them on when Craig takes a seat next to me. But, this log is really small so we're squeezed on this log. I can feel his thigh touching mine. Cl-close contact... Touching... "G-Gah!"

He stares at me a moment, "You alright?" he ask, lacing up his last skate.

"I'm... I'm f-fine." I try to breathe right, but my breaths come out unsteady.

"You look a little shaken." He tells me and looks at my unlaced boots and starts to lace them too.

"GEH!" I pull away. "HUMAN CONTACT!" And fall off the log.

He stares at me, wide eyed. Then he just shrugs it off and tells me. "Tweek, I can't teach you how to skate if I can't touch you."

"G-Geh!" I look up at him. "I know, Craig a-and I'm s-sorry. I just- I'm not used to people touching me and when they do I get nervous and scared." I try to explain.

Craig's POV

I was supposed to be mad at him for pushing me away and not trusting me enough to let me touch him. But, right now with him on the ground looking SO vulnerable and cute... I can't, I can't be mad. So, I help him up and guide him to the ice but before placing him on it, "So, can I teach you how to skate? Because, if you do that on the ice, you could get really hurt." I warn.

He nods, "I'll tr-trust you... I promise." I take his hands and pull him out on the ice. He stumbles and is breathing more unsteady, but I keep a tight hold on his hands and try to hold him up while he gets the hang of it.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"Y-yeah, I think I almost got it." He tells me with a smile. I smile back. He does look a lot better than when he started. He almost can do it without my assistance. I let go of one hand. "GEH!" Tweek clings to my shirt once I've let go, "I don't want you to let go..." He tells me with a faint blush spreading across his face.

"But, you've almost got it and it's only one hand. I think you're ready." I tell him.

"N-no, not because of that... its c-cold and I like when you h- hold my hands..." He blushes and looks down. I chuckle and take his one of his hands. He looks at me and I kiss it. Then, I take both again, but this time I pull him in closer and start to mess with him. Spinning him, and dancing with him. He doesn't seem to mind, looks like he enjoys it. He smiles and laughs.

After a couple of hours it starts to get dark though and Tweek doesn't like the dark. I can tell because he stares at the scare and jumps at things and twitch more. "Ready to go?" I look at him with his face buried in my chest. So cute! "It's getting kind of dark."

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