The Bet - 2016 Edition

Start from the beginning

Gary: EXCUSE ME?!?!?!

Paul: I might.

Gary: Oh come on, Paul!

Drew: I like that.

Gary: FINE! But if the Cavs win, you have to write an Advanceshipping story. Heh.

Milani: Heck no.

Gary: Heck yes.

Drew: I don't think Milani could ever do that.

Milani: I'd rather write a cheesy oneshot about me and someone else rather that do Advanceshipping.

Gary: Ok...then you have to do a oneshot about you.

Milani: Fine. For as long as it's not against Contestshipping.

Ash: Wait...who will we pair with Milani?

Milani: I volunteer Calum Hood of 5SOS.

Gary: No. It should only be Pokémon characters or OCs, but make sure to still relate it to Pokémon.

Milani: Dang it.

Paul: We'll let the readers decide on who to pair with Milani.

Milani:  BTW, if no one suggests, we will not push through.

Gary: That's unfair.

Paul: Give choices, Oak.

Gary: Ok dear readers, who do you want to ship with Milani for a oneshot? The choices are...


Gary: NO!

Paul: Milani, shut up.

Gary: The choices are...Ash Ketchum, Silver, Jonny, Red, Brendan or Jace.

Milani: Are you serious?

Drew: Wow...honestly now I don't care about the bet.

Gary: asked for it, Hayden. We're adding Drew to the choices.

Milani: Excuse me, but we're cousins.

Gary: Figure out how to work that.

Milani: Oh please let the Warriors win.


Gary: Oh the memories.

Milani: See? We did end up making the Cavaliershipping oneshot because the Warriors won. HOWEVER, we ended up having a oneshot about me.

Jace: See this is why I don't want to get involved.

Ash: I still don't get why.

Drew: You really liked what that bet did to you, Jace.

Jace: NO. My life was much simpler before that.

Drew: Go ahead and keep lying to yourself.

Ash: Whu?

Gary: Duh, Ash. I asked everyone who should be paired with Milani, and to our surprise, they wanted Jace. And the oneshot still happened not because of the bet. The readers really wanted it to happen.

Drew: Looking back at it now, I'm so glad they voted Jace.

Ash: Aren't we all?

Jace: I got involved with you guys thanks to that.

Gary: So, Milani. Who are you cheering for?


Jace: Same.

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