Chapter 5: Encounter

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This is Naruto but his eyes are blue! Thanks for the 10k views!! Thanks for waiting!! Here is the next part

'Kyuubi talking'
'Kyuubi thinking'
"Kyuubi talking in real life"
Using: Jutsu
"Normal talking"
'Normal thinking'
On with the story!


          A masked figure with a hoodie on was surrounded by 6 elite root squads from Oto. He disappeared and in mere seconds, blood was spraying everywhere as the figure took off his hoodie. The blonde gracefully sliced down his pursuers.

A single drop if blood landed on his hoodie. He sighed. "You got my clothes dirty you shit heads." he said in a deep, smooth voice. He didn't even have a single scratch. He walked away smoothly like nothing happened. Killing 6 elite root squads were nothing to him. Even all the kages combined couldn't scratch him. Yes, all the kages combined.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

          The blonde put his hoodie up again and a wind suddenly surrounded the mask and crushed it into dust. He could use a mask that hides his voice and his real looks but he didn't give a shit. Its not like anyone could do anything about it.

          The hooded figure started walking away. If you looked closely, you could see a scratched out Konoha hitai-ate under his hoodie hanging loosely on his neck. He chanted an unfamiliar jutsu.

Fire Release: Corpse Fire

          All of the dead bodies burned without leaving a single trace. No burn marks, no anything. The blonde continued to walk only looking back once to throw a flower he was holding onto. "Rest in peace." he said as his cold calculating cerulean eyes swept over the battlefield filled with broken trees and dust everywhere.    He turned around and started walking again. He chanted another unfamiliar Jutsu.

Life Release: Nature Healing

          He didn't look back this time. He kept on walking. Behind him, the once broken trees were put back together and everything that was destroyed was back to its original state. He would normally not do this but Kurama made him. Why? You ask?





For entertainment.

Naruto sighed as Kurama came out.
"Happy now?" Naruto asked. Kurama latched onto Naruto.

"Very!" he yelled happily.

Normally, you would be expecting the Kyuubi to be mature, old, wise, and strong. Nope. Kurama was the opposite.

Well, he is strong. Naruto had to give him that. But wise? Old? Mature? Nope.

Kurama acts childish, and does everything on a whim. He was just like a teenage boy Naruto's age.

"oh yea kit, Happy Birthday!" Kurama cheered. "I can't believe your 15 years old now! My little boy is already the strongest in the world!"

"Oi, Kurama. Who's the little one?" Naruto said comparing their heights.
Naruto and Kurama went into defense mode sensing a stranger who's chakra signature seemed familiar. Naruto for sure knew that malicious chakra was Itachi. Naruto stood there. Waiting for Itachi to approach. He took out his blood red Katana; the one his mother used to use.

I am done! Sorry~ This chapter was boring. Huehehe what will happen when they meet? Find out next chapter! Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow!

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