Twenty Five

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Two weeks later, Steve and I have only started to begin settling into our new life in the future. 

"Hey Beth, I'm going to the gym again. Do you want to come with me?" Steve calls from the living room as I lay in the bedroom reading the newspaper.

"Really? It's almost eleven o'clock at night." I call back. 

"Yeah, are you coming?" he replies. 

I hesitate for a minute, remembering the last time I went with him, before I yell back, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"


"Come on, it'll be fun Beth. I can teach you hand to hand combat." Steve pleads as I stand in the kitchen trying to figure out all the appliances. I think about it for a minute before sighing and nodding my head.

"Fine, I'll go." I give in. 

"Great! Let's go!" Steve says excitedly, pulling me out of our apartment and locking the door. We ride down to the bottom floor in silence before Steve pulls me out of the elevator and out of the building.

I practically have to run after Steve, he's walking so fast. He then pulls me into the gym that's a few buildings away from our apartment. Once we're inside, he sits me down on a bench in the empty room and begins wrapping white tape around my knuckles.

Once he's finished, he wraps some around his own knuckles before pulling me up off the bench. He leaves me standing in the middle of the room while he walks away and picks up two punching bags. He then walks back and clips it to it's holder.

"Alright, stand like this." Steve instructs as he stands behind me and prompts me to move my arms and legs where he wants them. 

"Now, when you punch, do not tuck your thumbs into your fist. Rest them on top of your other fingers, like this."

"Now hit the bag." Steve tells me before standing next to me. I hit the bag a few times and stop when Steve starts laughing. 

"What?" I ask. 

"You're not hitting hard enough. Here, watch me." he says before stepping in front of me.

I back off and go to stand where he just was. As Steve hits the bag, his face turns serious and his concentration face is replaced with a blank, vague stare. He begins punching the bag harder, causing it to whip around in it's holder.

"Steve!" I call out, trying to get his attention. He doesn't hear me however, as he begins to hit the bag even harder. 

"Ste...!" I begin to yell again but stop when the bag's chain breaks and the bag goes flying. In my direction.

I try and avoid it but it hits my side, causing me to go flying across the room with the bag. I hit the ground, landing on my stomach, but I still slide another few feet before I finally stop.

"Elizabeth!" Steve yells out, running over to me. I take a deep breath to replace the air that had been knocked out of my lungs and flip myself onto my back just as Steve reaches me. 

"I'm so sorry! Oh god, are you alright?" he fusses, looking me up and down.

"I'm fine." I laugh before pushing myself off the ground. 

"Are you sure?" Steve asks, helping me up. I nod my head yes before beginning to take the tape off of my hands. 

"What are you doing?" he asks then, raising an eyebrow.

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