Thirty Eight

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"Are you almost done?" I huff. The doctors were still running tests, even though they had already stitched my knee up and applied an antimicrobial ointment to the burn on my thigh. They decided it was only a second degree burn and I didn't need to be hospitalized for it.

They gave me several different ointments that I needed to put on every now and then to keep the wound from getting infected. 

"We're just waiting for your tetanus shot to be ready." one of the doctors smiles at me. I let out a groan and cross my arms over my chest. The last time I received a shot was back in the nineteen thirties. I think it was a flu shot, but I'm not one hundred percent sure. 

"Well, can someone tell Steve what's going on? I'm sure he's worried sick."

"Captain Rogers has already been informed of the situation, Miss Simmons." the doctor answers me. We wait in the room silently until another doctor walks in with a syringe in his hands. The needle was fairly large, and if I was being honest, it kind of scared me.

"Don't worry, Miss Simmons. It'll only feel like a pinch." the man smiles at me when he notices a slight look of panic wash across my face. I force a smile and watch as he wipes a spot on my arm clean. I look away and focus on the wall while he inserts the needle into my arm.

I force myself to relax, only feeling the pinch for a moment before the doctor pulls back and looks at me. 

"Alright, you're free to go. Come back if your stitches rip, or you feel ill." the doctor informs me before walking out of the room. I smile to myself before I push myself off the bed and out to the hallway where I last saw Steve. 

"Steve?" I call out as I look around the hallway in front of the elevator. 

"Steve, where are you?" I call out again when I don't receive an answer. 

"Captain Rogers went down to the main level to talk to Director Fury." a smiling nurse tells me as she walks past me. 

"Thank you." I tell her before I get in the elevator. I press the button labeled 'lobby' and patiently wait as the elevator moves down.

When the elevator doors open, I step out into the hectic lobby and begin looking for Steve. It takes me a few minutes, but I spot him standing just outside the doors talking to Fury. 

"Ah, Miss Simmons. Nice to see you again." Fury smiles as I walk up to them. Steve turns around to face me and his face lights up with a smile. 

"Hey, baby. Are you alright?" he asks me as he takes my hand in his. 

"Yeah. The doctors stitched my knee up and wrapped up my thigh. Then they gave me some kind of shot before they said I could go." 

"Great. In that case, we'll head back home. If that's alright with you, Director Fury." Steve says quickly. 

"Of course. You two have earned a vacation." Fury smiles before he bids us goodbye and walks back into the building. 

"What did he mean, 'vacation'?" I ask Steve skeptically as we walk down the deserted streets towards our apartment complex. 

"Well, he was telling me that he wants us to become full time agents. Working for S.H.I.E.L.D., of course." Steve tells me. He avoids looking directly at me. Instead, he looks down at the sidewalk. 

"Did you agree to this?" I ask him. 

"Yes. But only because I think it could help us get used to this new world." Steve hastily explains his decision. I think about this for a moment before I slowly nod my head. 

"Yeah, I guess. But I don't want to do this forever, you know. Once we're accustomed to this new world, do you promise that we'll quit?" I ask Steve, stopping in my tracks. When I stopped, that forced Steve to stop as well because our hands were still intertwined. Steve lets out a visible sigh before he turns around to face me. 

"Is that what you really want?" he asks me gently. I nod my head and give him a puppy dog look.

"Fine, I promise. But who knows, you might change your mind by the time that occasion rolls around." Steve chuckles as we continue walking down the street. Our apartment was actually pretty far from where Loki's army attacked, but we couldn't take a taxi to our apartment from Stark Towers.

So, it took us nearly an hour to reach our apartment. Steve was still wearing his Captain America suit and I was still wearing the black jumpsuit from when we first went to arrest Loki in Germany. As we approach our building, a few people begin to whisper as we pass them.

"Walk a little faster please." I whisper in Steve's ear, eager to get out of the public's eye. Steve looks around and notices the people watching us and complies, pulling me faster towards our building. 

"Come on, inside." Steve urges as he holds the door open for me. I rush inside and wait for Steve to pull the door shut behind him. 

"You have the key, right?" I ask him as the elevator doors slide shut. Steve nods his head and pulls the key out of his boot after he presses the 'six' button. I take it from him and unlock the door after we walk out of the elevator and we're standing in front of our door. 

"Man, it is good to be home." I sigh as I walk inside. We had only been gone a few days, but it still felt like we had been gone forever. 

"Man, I need a shower." I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror in our room. Steve was peeling his uniform off beside me and he looked up at me as I said this. 

"Well, that makes two of us." he smirks. 

"Oh, come on Rogers!" I snort before throwing myself onto the bed. 

"What? We would save hot water!" he laughs before sitting next to me. I think about it for a moment before I sigh and close my eyes. 

"Fine. But don't you dare try anything on me, Rogers!" I give in a few minutes later, a smile playing on my lips. Steve lets out a girly squeal from beside me.

"I'll go start the water." he exclaims happily before the bed shifts and the bathroom door bangs open. I shake my head as I carefully take my suit off. I toss it onto the bed, then gingerly make my way into the bathroom. 

"Hurry up Beth!" Steve shouts from inside the shower. I shake my head and laugh before I rid myself of the rest of my clothes and join him.


After our shower, Steve and I got dressed in our pajamas before we climbed into bed together. 

"Hey, Beth?" Steve asks as he absentmindedly plays with my wet hair. 

"Yes, Steve?" I hum, my eyes remaining closed.

"You know I love you, right?" he asks quietly. 

"Of course! Why wouldn't I know that? You tell me everyday!" I say to him, my eyes shooting open. 

"Well, I just wanted to make sure, because after what happened in Germany, well..." he trails off as he continues to play with my hair. I push myself up onto my elbows and look Steve in the eyes. 

"Okay, listen up Steve. I don't blame you for anything that has happened in the past few days. What's done is done, alright? So stop moping and forget about it. I'll live, and that's all that matters." I firmly tell him. Steve looks at me for a few minutes before he smiles sheepishly. 

"Alright, alright." he sighs. I smile fondly at him before I lay my head on his chest again. 

"I love you, Steve. I always will." I murmur as I close me eyes.

"I love you too, Beth. More than you'll ever know." Steve whispers. The last thing I remember before I drift into a peaceful sleep is Steve kissing my forehead and pulling me closer to him.


Just a cute little Steve/Elizabeth feels part :)

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