Twenty Two

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The next morning, Steve shakes me awake and whispers in my ear, "Come on Beth. Time to go." 

I groan and roll over, burying my face in my pillow. Steve chuckles before picking me up. 

"Hey! I was sleeping!" I yell out.

"And now you're not. This is what the colonel said you should wear, instead of what you wore yesterday." Steve says, handing me an outfit. Steve then steps outside the tent so I can change. When I tell him it's okay for him to come back in, I'm looking at myself in the mirror, trying to decide how to wear my hair.

After a few seconds, I decide to braid my hair and then pin it up. I quickly do it as Steve watches me. I smile at him through the mirror as I struggle to put the final pin in. 

"Do you want help?" Steve asks. I nod and point to where I want the pin. 

"Right here, please." I say politely as I hand him the pin. Steve stares at my hair for a minute before carefully sliding the pin into place. 

"Thank you." I hum, standing up and kissing him on the cheek. He nods before picking up our bags. 

"Are you ready?" he asks. I nod and follow him out to the trucks that would take us to where we needed to go. When we get there, I see Steve's motorcycle waiting in the front. I share a questioning glance with Steve before we put our bags in one of the trucks.

"Colonel Phillips wants to update us on the plan." Dugan tells us, popping out from behind one of the trucks, scaring me. Steve and I follow Dugan back into the camp towards the command tent. 

"You wanted us Colonel?" Steve asks.

"Yes. We have a new plan." he says, folding his hands behind his back. 

"Which is...?" Jim prompts when the colonel hesitates to tell us. 

"Simmons isn't going to like it." he states. All eyes turn to me as I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"And why won't Simmons like it?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Well, first, Rogers is going in on the motorcycle. Try and fight. But most likely, you'll get captured." Colonel Phillips begins before I cut him off. 

"Excuse me, what?"

Steve rubs my arm as the colonel chuckles. 

"Told you." he mutters. 

"Just listen." he then says louder. All eyes turn back to the colonel as he continues to tell us the plan. 

"When things start to turn south, which they will, then the Howling Commandos will go in and help. The rest of us will also come in and help." 

"Where does Elizabeth fit into all of this?" Steve asks, pulling me into his side as a sign of protection. 

"She'll go in with Peggy and I. Don't worry, we'll watch her." the colonel adds when he sees Steve's concerned look.

"Alright, let's load up." Colonel Phillips says when no one else asks any questions or brings anything else up. Steve takes my hand in his and leads me away from the group. 

"Be careful, okay?" he says, cupping my cheek.

"Of course I will." I chuckle, smiling up at him. He looks at me for a moment before bending down and pressing his lips against mine.

"I love you." Steve whispers when someone calls our names. 

"I love you too. Now go kick some ass Spangles." I laugh, walking away from him.

"That's still not funny!" Steve yells after me, even though I know he's smiling. I shake my head and pull myself up into the back of the truck. I groan internally when the only open seat left is next to Peggy. I sit down next to her and ignore her.

"Elizabeth?" she calls out. I turn around and glare at her. 

"What do you want?" I ask harshly. 

"I was just going to apologize for my behavior. It was unnecessary and I'm sorry about that. I would like for us to go into this being friends." she says, avoiding my gaze. 

I think about it for a minute before I say, "Fine. I guess that would be okay. Thank you for apologizing." 

She grins and sticks out her hand. 

"Let's start over. I'm Peggy Carter." she says as she shakes my hand. 

"Elizabeth Simmons." I chuckle slightly. 

During the next few hours that it takes for us to the Swiss Alps, Peggy and I talk, getting to know each other.

 "We're here." Colonel Phillips yells to Peggy, a few other soldiers, and I as the truck stops. We file out of the truck, weapons in hand, and stand in the forest.

"We're going to wait for the Captain's signal before we head in, alright?" Colonel Phillips says. The group, including me, nods and follows him through the forest towards HYDRA's headquarters. We stop at a point where we're still hidden in the trees but can still see Steve fighting the HYDRA soldiers.

Steve was kicking ass at first, but now he's surrounded by fire coming from two different soldier's flamethrowers. Steve stands still and looks around. The fire goes away as more soldiers come to take Steve to Johann Schmidt. We then wait until we can see the Howling Commandos zip-line into the headquarters. 

"Move out!" Colonel Phillips yells after he hangs up a telephone. Peggy and I hang back as soldiers run towards the headquarters.

The HYDRA soldiers blast blue rays at our soldiers as they advance on the entrance to the headquarters. Peggy nods her head and we run after the first group of soldiers. Bombs go off as they hit the ground, causing Peggy and I to swerve and avoid them, along with having to dodge the blue rays coming from the HYDRA soldiers guns.

When we get close, someone throws a grenade at the closed doors, blowing them up. As we enter the building, more HYDRA soldiers shoot at us. 

One begins to yell, "Cut off one head, two more shall..." 

He's cut off as Colonel Phillips shoots him. 

"Let's go find two more." 

As we round a corner, I spot another man with a flamethrower, using it to keep someone in a hallway. I raise my gun to eye level and remember what Steve said about shooting it.

I shoot at the man until the flamethrower blows up and he collapses. I run to the hallway to see who was there, only to come face to face with Steve. 

"Are you alright?" he asks me quickly, stepping towards me. I nod my head and ask him the same question. 

"I'm fine." he responds before he quickly kisses me. 

"Go get him." I whisper. Steve smiles at me before pulling away and running down the hall. I watch him pull his shield out from between two doors and watch longingly as the doors shut behind him.

Then, I notice a group of soldiers run into an open room and kneel down, shooting at something. I race towards them, to see what they're shooting at. When I see the Red Skull, I become infuriated. I run towards the jet he got on, ignoring the men yelling behind me.

They shoot the men who try to shoot me as I race towards the jet. I look behind me and salute them before hurrying up the ladder. Once I'm on the jet, I look around, trying to find a safe hiding spot. When I find one, I quickly sit and cover myself.

Now, all I have to do is wait for the right time to shoot him.


Don't worry, I'm no where near the end of the story, I still have a lot planned :) Oh and the whole Cap working for HYDRA thing is complete bullshit :)

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