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That evening, as I get ready to go to the mess hall for dinner, someone knocks on my door. I finish what I was doing, then walk to the door and open it. 

"Peggy. Come in." I say, surprised that she wants to talk to me.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. It wasn't the right way to handle the situation." she says. 

"What situation?" I ask her, confused. 

She takes a deep breath before saying, "It seems as though we both have feelings for Steve."

I look at her in shock, not saying a word. 

"You two have a strong connection so it's not my place to step in and break that." she continues. 

"Wait, you think I like Steve like that?" I ask her. 

"It's obvious Elizabeth. The way you act around him gives it away." she chuckles. My cheeks flush pink as I think about what she's saying. 

"You also turn bright red whenever his name is mentioned." Peggy points out. 

"Okay, fine. I do. But that doesn't mean he feels the same." I say, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"It's obvious that he does though. He acts the same as you when you're around him." Peggy chuckles.

I sigh and say, "It probably wouldn't work out anyways." 

Peggy looks at me for a minute before saying, "You won't know until you say something." 

"Well, I can't say anything about it right now. Steve has his experiment tomorrow and I don't want to distract him from that." I tell her. 

"Okay, then promise me one thing." Peggy says. 

"What?" I ask her. 

"Tell him after the experiment. It'll do you both good." she says.

"Fine, I will." I say, nodding my head. 

"Good," Peggy smiles, "Now, let's go get something to eat."


As we walk to the mess hall, we pass by Colonel Phillips, who calls Peggy over to him. 

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow Elizabeth." Peggy says before walking towards Colonel Phillips. When I get closer to the mess hall, I can see Steve standing near the doors.

"Hello Steve." I greet him with a smile as I reach him. 

"Hello Beth." he greets, walking towards me. 

"Do you know what they're having for dinner?" I ask him when we reach each other. 

"Soup, I think. I don't know what kind though." he laughs.

"Well, whatever it is, I hope that it's good." I say. Steve and I laugh a little as we walk into the mess hall. As Steve had said, they had soup for dinner. After we sat down, I noticed Steve hadn't gotten anything to eat or drink.

"Aren't you hungry Steve?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. 

"Yes, I am," he laughs before continuing to say, "But Dr. Erskine said I wasn't supposed to eat or drink anything before tomorrow." 

I mumble a quiet "Oh." before beginning to eat my meal.

"He also said we had to be ready to leave by seven tomorrow morning." Steve tells me. 

"Good to know, thank you." I smile at him. We make small talk as I eat my dinner. Afterwards, Steve says he'll walk me to my barrack.

"There's no need Steve. I can manage by myself. And besides, you need to save your energy for tomorrow." I tell him, waving him off. 

"But what if something happened to you?" Steve says seriously. 

"I don't think anything will Steve." I chuckle.

"But what if something did Beth?" he says, stopping in his tracks. I sigh before turning around to look at him. 

"I guess there's no point in arguing. Come on." I say, smiling at him. He looks at me for a moment before giving me a small smile and following me.

"I know I wouldn't be able to do much if something did happen to you, Beth, but I want to make sure that you get home safe." Steve admits quietly as we walk down the path. 

"You'd do fine Steve." I assure him, placing my hand on his upper arm in comfort.

"You don't know that Elizabeth." he huffs. I look at him, shocked. He used my full name. He hasn't done that since we first met. 

"What's wrong Steve?" I ask, stopping him and making him look at me.

"I'm weak! I'm nothing! Why did Dr. Erskine pick me?" Steve exclaims. 

"From what I've heard, he's been looking for the perfect option. Someone who is selfless, who knows how to work for what they want, and who never gives up. That's all you Steve, that's why he picked you." I tell him softly.

"You really think so?" he asks, still unsure. 

"Yes, I really do Steve." I smile at him. He looks at me for a moment before smiling at me and pulling me into a hug. 

"Thank you Beth." he murmurs. The hug was a little awkward since I was a bit taller than him with my shoes on, but it still felt nice.

"Alright, let's get you to your barrack." Steve says, breaking the hug. I nod and we continue on to my barrack. 

"Have a good night Steve." I say to him with a smile as we stop in front of my barrack. 

"You too Beth." he smiles back.

I watch Steve walk away for a few seconds before opening the door and going inside. Once I had shut the door, I took my shoes and coat off and laid them on the bed closest to the door. Then, I changed into my pajamas and put my outfit from today into one of my bags.

As I lay in bed trying to fall asleep, I couldn't stop thinking about Steve. Would he make it through the experiment tomorrow? What would the experiment do to him? Would he still feel the same about me after the experiment? Would I have enough courage to admit to him that I like him? 

All these different thoughts kept racing through my mind as I struggled to sleep. Eventually, though, I fell asleep, even if it was only for a couple hours at a time.


Sorry if it's a little boring. But hey, there's a little bit of Steve feels for ya. Anyways, please vote and comment! 

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