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A week after Steve had disappeared, Peggy finally told the colonel what she did. Throughout the day, I had repeatedly bugged him about telling me where he was. But each time, he refused to tell me. 

"Please, Colonel. I need to know where he went." I asks for the hundredth time today.

"Simmons, you already know I won't tell you. You're too close to him. Now, I have to go deal with some business." he says before walking away from me. I sigh before deciding to go and talk to Peggy about where she took him. I walk into her tent and watch her laying on the cot. 

"Where did you take Steve?" I demand to know. 

"I already told you this a few days ago." she tells me, sounding tired. 

"No, where did you really take him?" I ask, sticking my hip out and placing my hand on top of it.

"I'm sorry, but that's classified information." she laughs. She then sits up and smiles innocently at me. 

"Why you little bitch." I murmur before storming over to her. She leans away from me, probably remembering what happened the last time.

"Tell me where he is!" I exclaim, on the verge of tears. 

"Fine. I took him to Austria." she tells me, her eyes wide. 

"You did what?" I yell. "I took him to Austria. He wanted to rescue the rest of the one oh seventh. I wasn't going to stop him." she shrugs.

"But you should have! He could be dead!" I worry, a tear slipping from one of my eyes as I think about that possibility. 

"Yeah, he could be. And it would be all your fault." Peggy taunts. 

"How would it have been my fault?" I ask her.

"Well, if you two hadn't fought, he wouldn't have asked me to take him to Austria. He would have asked you about it." she says, smirking. 

"So you're saying it's my fault either way?" I ask, arching an eyebrow.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. Wow, you're not as dimwitted as I thought you were." Peggy smiles. I step closer to her, raising my hand, as someone clears their throat from the doorway. I stop and turn around to face him.

"What do you want?" I growl. 

"Uh...well...Colonel Phillips would like to talk to Agent Carter." he stammers. 

"Of course. I'll be right there." she says to him before smiling smugly at me. 

"Guess you'll have to wait." she smirks before walking out of the tent.

I roll my eyes and follow her. Whatever Colonel Phillips was going to talk to her about, he was going to talk to me too. As I walk into the tent right behind Peggy, I notice Colonel Phillips pacing back and forth in front of a man writing something with a typewriter.

"I must declare Captain Rogers...killed in action. Period." he sighs as we walk in the tent, not noticing we were there. I gasp as what Colonel Phillips said registers in my head. Three words bounce around my head, once again filling my eyes with tears.

"Killed in action." It takes all my strength to not collapse on the floor and start crying. Colonel Phillips turns around and looks at Peggy and I. 

"Corporal, Simmons, go get a cup of coffee." The man at the typewriter nods his head and gets up, leaving the tent.

"Go on." Peggy says to me before smiling innocently and walking over to the colonel. I step outside the tent and collapse onto the ground. I lay my head in my hands and let my tears flow. "He's gone. And it's all my fault." I think to myself, causing me to cry harder.

A few minutes later, the camp erupts with  commotion. 

"What the hell's going on out there?" Colonel Phillips says, walking out of the tent with Peggy following him closely. I wipe the tears off my cheeks before pushing myself of the ground.

I follow the colonel and Peggy towards the gates of the camp. Men start cheering as we push our way towards the front of the crowd. When we get there, I see someone I thought I'd never see again. Steve. 

"Steve!" I call out and run to him. He catches me in his arms as I jump onto him, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. 

"Hey there." he laughs. I let out a deep breath and begin to cry, burying my head in the crook of his neck as he keeps walking. 

"I thought you were dead." I whisper to him. He stops and sets me down before looking me in the eyes. 

"I will never leave you, I promise. I will always keep you close." he tells me gently, wiping away my tears. I look at him for a moment before pulling him to me, ignoring the man standing next to us.

"I love you Beth." he says into my ear. 

"I love you too." I reply, holding him tighter. 

We stand like that for a moment longer before Steve gently tells me, "I have to talk to the colonel now." I nod and let him go, but I follow behind him closely.

"I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary actions." Steve tells him, standing up straighter. 

"That won't be necessary." Colonel Phillips mutters. 

"Yes sir." Steve says, suppressing a smile. The colonel mutters something to Peggy before she walks up to us. I glare at her and frown as she stands in front of Steve. 

"You're late." she says sternly. 

"I couldn't call my ride." Steve smirks, holding up a broken transmitter. They look at each other for a moment before Steve looks down at me and smiles. 

He pulls me into his side and gently squeezes me. 

"Hey, let's hear it for Captain America!" the man standing next to Steve earlier yells, smirking at Steve. Cheers and clapping erupt around us and Steve smiles widely at the man. 


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