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The next morning, I woke up at 5:30, so I would have enough time to get ready and eat. I quickly dressed in my nurses uniform and put my shoes on before walking to the mess hall to get a quick breakfast. When I walk in, I look around and notice that I'm the only one in the room. 

"How can I help you miss?" one of the servers asks me. 

"Just an apple please." I smile at her. She nods, walks into the kitchen, and returns a moment later with a shiny, red apple in her hand.

"Thank you." I say to her before taking it from her. I wait until I get back to my barrack before eating it. I brush my teeth after I finished it and glance at the clock. 6:28. 'Peggy will be here any minute.'  I think to myself.  A moment later, someone knocks on the door. I stand up off my bed and open the door. 

"Are you ready Elizabeth?" Peggy asks me. 

"Yes. I am." I respond, following her to the training area. She stops in front of a line of men. I look at them and smile at Steve, who's the skinniest and shortest of all the men. He smiles back before returning his attention to Peggy. 

"Gentleman, I'm Agent Carter. I supervise all operations of this division." she says to them. 

"What's with the accent, Queen Victoria? Thought I was signing up for the U.S. army." the man from Steve's barrack laughs. 

"What's your name soldier?" she asks him, standing in front of him. 

"Gilmore Hodge, your majesty." he replies. 

"Step forward, Hodge." she says. He looks at the guys standing next to him before smiling and stepping forward. 

"Put your right foot forward." Peggy instructs.

"Are we dancing? Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like." he smirks. Peggy hesitates for a moment before punching him in the face. His nose starts bleeding as Colonel Phillips walks up to his. 

He stands next to me and says, "Dr. Erskine wanted me to give this to you." 

He hands me a clipboard before walking to stand next to Peggy. As he talks to the soldiers, I look over the contents of the clipboard. On the clipboard, there are papers that I'm supposed to fill out as Steve performs the different tasks of the week. There's also a pencil attached to the clipboard by the rope tied to it. 

"Come on Elizabeth. It's time to start training." Peggy says to me as the recruits run off down the road. I nod my head and follow her. 


Later that week, Peggy and I were waiting at the half way point of the run the recruits are doing today. 

"Here they come." Peggy says, turning in her seat to watch them. We watch as they approach us, Hodge in the lead, and, of course, Steve bringing up the rear. 

"Squad halt!" the soldier in charge yells out. The men stop and double over to catch their breath. 

"That flag means you're only at the half way point. First man to bring it to me gets to ride back with Agent Carter and Nurse Simmons." he tells them. After he's finished, the squadron push and shove each other trying to get up the flag pole. 

"Come on, get up there. That's all you got? This army is in trouble. Get up there, Hodge. Come on, get up there." the soldier in charge yells out periodically as encouragement. As they continue to fight to get up the pole, Steve finally catches up.

I share a look with Peggy before moving to get out of the truck. She grabs my arm and pulls me back into my seat. She shakes her head 'no' and takes her hand off my arm. 

"Nobody's got that flag in seventeen years!" 

I return my attention to the group of men as the squad leader yells out, "Come on, come on, fall in." 

The rest of the squad falls back into formation except Steve. Steve walks towards the pole and looks at it. 

"Rogers! I said fall in!"

Steve ignores him and bends down to the base of the pole. He pulls out the pin holding the pole upright and we all watch in disbelief as the pole falls to the ground. Steve walks to the flag and takes it off the pole. 

I write what happened on a sheet of paper as I hear Steve say, "Thank you sir." 

I look up just in time to see Steve get into the truck next to me. He smiles at me and nods his head at Peggy. We look back at the group as the truck drives off and Steve lets out a little chuckle.

I raise my eyebrow at him and he says, "Nice to see you here." 

I laugh and reply, "Well of course I'd be here. I have to watch how you do." He looks down at the clipboard resting on my lap before looking back up at my face.

"And how am I doing?" he asks. 

"As well as we would expect you to." I respond, smiling slightly at him. 

He looks away and says, "Not too good, huh?" I place my hand on top of his, causing him to look back at me. 

"You're doing fine Steve." He smiles at me before nodding his head. 

"We're back." Peggy says as the truck comes to a stop. 

"Thanks for the lift." Steve says, smiling at both of us before getting out of the truck and walking away. I turn around and get out of the truck after Peggy. She smirks and looks at me once I'm standing next to her. 

"What?" I ask. "You like him, don't you?" she says. My cheeks heat up and I turn to watch Steve walk away. 

"I don't know. Maybe." I reply, looking back at her. She gives me a look, like she knows I'm lying, before looking away.

"Alright, let's go. They'll be back anytime now." 

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