Thirty Nine

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A couple weeks later, as I wake up, I stretch my arms out and feel around the bed for Steve. 

"Steve? Where are you?" I call out when I realize he's not in the bed next to me. 

"Kitchen!" comes his faint reply. I inhale a breath of relief before I get up out of bed and walk over to the closet.

I had no clue what we were going to do today, so I picked a casual outfit that I could wear anywhere. My outfit consisted of an off white sweater, black jeans, and tan ankle boots. I left my hair in it's natural state from my shower last night and quickly swipe a single layer of mascara over my eyelashes.

"Breakfast is ready!" Steve calls out just as I finish getting ready for the day. I walk into the kitchen and smile at Steve. He had made pancakes, bacon, and eggs for breakfast. 

"I thought I would treat my girl to a nice breakfast after all that's happened these past few weeks." Steve shrugs after I ask him what the special occasion was. 

"You're too sweet." I murmur, kissing his cheek as I take a seat at the table. Steve silently slides a couple pancakes onto my plate as I add some eggs and a few pieces of bacon. We then eat quietly, each of us reading our own newspaper.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask Steve as we wash dishes after we had finished eating. 

"Whatever you want." Steve answers, giving me a small shrug. 

"Not helpful." I chuckle, flicking water in his face.

"Rude!" he then retaliates. I smirk at him; I would get him back later. 

"How about we head up to Stark Towers and see if they need help with anything?" I suggest as we put the last plate away. 

"Are you sure you're up for that? Neither of your wounds hurt, do they?" Steve frets.

"No, I took my medicine like the doctor instructed. I feel fine." I assure him before shoving him towards our bedroom to get dressed. He shakes his head before he shuts the door behind him. As I wait for him to get dressed, I find a pair of sunglasses laying on the table and pick them up. I slip them on top of my head just as Steve walks out of the bedroom. 

"Are you ready yet?" I call out as he walks into the bathroom. 

"I just need to fix my hair." he answers. I roll my eyes and smile to myself. 

"Okay, now I'm ready." Steve says to me as he walks out of the bathroom.

He was wearing a blue plaid shirt and tan khaki pants. As he walked over to me, he picked up his brown leather jacket off the back of a chair and put it on. We walk out of the apartment and I lock the door behind us before we walk over to the elevator.

Steve had taken my hand in his as we stood in the elevator and was still holding it as we stood outside, trying to get a taxi. I had slipped my sunglasses over my eyes, trying to avoid being noticed by the public. After a few minutes, Steve managed to attract a taxi. We slid into the backseat and Steve told the driver where to go. 

"I'll try and get you as close as I can. They still have the roads blocked off from that fight a while ago." the driver sighs before pulling out into traffic.

I share a glance with Steve and shrug. The last we heard was that Stark was supposed to be taking care of the clean up and repairs. The drive is silent until the driver stops a few blocks away from Stark Towers. 

"This is as close as I can get you two." he tells us, turning around in his seat to face us. 

"That's alright. We can walk from here." I smile at him as Steve pulls out his wallet. 

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