30 // Cinnoman Toast Crunch vs. Ted Bundy

Start from the beginning

     When we finally pulled up to Tyler's house, I grinned. The windows glowed underneath the dark sky and shadows danced across the panes, echoes of all the people inside. While the last time had been just two breaths from disastrous, there was a part of me that felt that tonight was going to be different- that my luck was finally going to change.

     "Let's go, I'm sure Brianne is so busy, so we don't want to take up any more of her time, because it's a Saturday night so she obviously has so much to do," Eva drawled, defiantly crossing her arms over her chest and pointedly looking away from the brunette in the driver's seat, who was sending back sharp daggers in glare form.

     Savannah shot a wary smile at her sister, hands clapped together. "Thanks for driving us, Bri! I really appreciate it!"

     The older girl rolled her eyes and just as Eva opened her mouth to say something else, I pushed open the car door, grabbed Eva's wrist and dragged her outside. I did not plan on walking, thank you very much. Eva grumbled but still allowed herself to be tugged out, keeping her smart remarks to a low mumble under her breath.

     I was glad I'd brought a jacket, since summer had died along with the leaves, and the oncoming gold, orange, and red also meant a poignant nip in the passing breeze. I shivered as it crawled underneath my sleeves and wondered how Eva was able to stand so calmly with her skin exposed to the bite of autumn.

     She noticed my look and impish grin found her face. "I had like, four shots when you guys weren't looking. I'm pretty buzzed. I feel nothing."

     Just as I was about to say something, Savannah's hands were on the smalls of our backs and pushing us towards the door, eyebrows knitted. "Well that's reassuring, now let's go in. Before you guys catch hypothermia!"

     Inside was very quintessential raging teen party , with red solo cups, sweaty skin, and a catchy melody playing in the background that was easily drowned out by the cheers and cries of too-drunk teenagers. The hallway was already crowded, with flushed faces and swaying knees, and I could see Eva's eyes light up as soon as we stepped through the door.

     "Ah man, first party of the year!" she beamed, eyes sparkling.

     I was about to correct her when I remembered that I'd been alone last time, and decided to keep my mouth shut. That wasn't something I needed to get into.

     There was another vibration in my jacket pocket but I ignored it, already knowing the culprit without even checking the screen. Reese had been bombarding me with texts all night, all that had been ignored, mostly because I didn't want to give Savannah or Eva any questions to who was hogging all my attention. All my friends were in the room- there were no excuses.

     The tanned girl was rummaging in my bag and then held up the bottle of vodka, a grin splitting across her face. "Shots!"

     Savannah gave a weary glance and followed quickly behind as Eva darted into the kitchen. Tonight, if anything, was bound to be interesting. And so with a low chuckle under my breath, I followed after them, hoping to be of some assistance to Savannah who was probably going to be chasing Eva all night mother bird-like.

     Just as I was about to set foot in the kitchen, my wrist was captured and I was tugged back into another room. A disgruntled cry left my lips as I was swallowed into the darkness, the door slamming shut and closing me into the room. Inside I was met with only pitch black and a threatening silence, and so I ripped my wrist out of the person's grasp and posed my arms in front of me, mouth clenched and heart hammering against my ribcage.

     "No means no! I do not consent to this! My body, my decision! Touch me- I'll rip your fucking hands off and choke you out with them!"

     A light clicked on, and I peeked up to see Reese standing there, head tilted. "Is that any way to speak to your best friend?"

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