"Really?" she said, walking fast. "Just like the ones I watch."

"At night, they dance, obviously." I added.

"And they kiss?" My eyes widened at what she said. Is my four year old sister talking about kissing already?

"But you're too young to think about that." I told her.

"I'm four and Mommy says I'm turning five next year." She placed her hands on her hips.

"You're still too young." I repeated.

"That's what I see on princess movies sometimes." She shared.

"If that's so, then I'm not going to leave you watch TV alone from now on." I said



The Dance Committee already announced the minor awards. The awardees were already dancing on stage. A girl named Kirsten Gilbert won best dressed because of her over-the-top dress and hair. Mr. and Ms. Royal Manners were Dean Anthony and Hailey Graham. There were a lot of minor awards that I can't remember some of them. But the most awaited part of the dance was just ten seconds away. The emcees counted down the seconds along with the audience and when the last second has been counted the emcees cut off the noise.

"Now, as always, we will be announcing the candidates for The King and Queen of the Night." The female emcee said as she held an envelope in her free hand.

"You should all make sure that you and your date made quite a good impression on the student council and dance committee starting from your arrival." The male emcee said in a breezy voice.

The female emcee opened the envelope, revealing a silver card where the candidates' names are written.

"When you and your date's name are mentioned please walk right in front so the audience can see you." the female said as her eyes were drawn on the silver card.

"In no particular order, Jason Tyler and Hazel Stanley." The emcee announced. Just around the corner, a couple jumped right off their seats. "Come right up!"

The girl named Hazel excitedly walked to the front while she struggled pulling the guy named Jason who seemed nervous. After that, the emcee announced the next names.

"Hiccup Banccup and Merida Macklemore!" they said. Hiccup and Merida were sitting at the middle. Merida looked as though she didn't like what she was hearing. People clapped their hands loudly for them. Hiccup looked like he was going to throw up. I was pretty sure they didn't plan this to happen. Merida stood up as she cursed under her breath.

"Okay, children, get your fingers crossed because our second to the last candidates are..." the emcee paused to read what was written. I was comfortable in my seat, waiting for them to say the names already. "Hans Westergaard and Elsa Hansen!"

My mouth fell open. What the heck? I quickly turned my head to Hans who seemed happy with it. Hans stood and then lend me a hand. It took long before I could hold his hand. I stood up with him, looking intensely at the girls who stared fiercely at me.

"C'mon, let's tell them that we're backing out." I whispered in to Hans's ear. Hans chuckled.

"You don't have to worry about anything." He said. "You deserve the title if you ask me."

"I don't like it." I answered nervously, squeezing Hans's arm.

"Everybody will like you." he insisted.

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