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Aphrodite: the Goddess of love and sex, was a rapturous beauty, adored by God and Man alike. Her many lovers included Adonis and Ares.

Apollo: God of the light, is the son of Zeus and twin brother to Artemis. Armed with the bow and the arrow Apollo is known for his prophetic powers, as well as skills in medicine and music.

 Ares: God of war, rides into battle with helm on his head and spear in hand. He is one of the twelve Olympians, son of Zeus and Hera, and a fearsome warrior on the battlefield.

Artemis: is a goddess of the hunt as well as childbirth. She is a daughter of Zeus and twin to her brother Apollo, she served in one of her many roles, as a protector of girls until they reached the age of marriage.

Athena: a daughter of Zeus, is the powerful goddess of wisdom and war strategy. Though skilled in the tactics of war, Athena often used her natural intelligence to settle disputes and avoid wars.

Atlas: a giant Titan God of incredible strength, was punished my Zeus for joining the Titans in their bid to dethrone the Olympians. He was forced to hold up the entire world above his shoulders.

Cupid: aslo known as Eros is the God of love and desire, is a primordial deity. A mischievous soul, he is armed with bows and arrows capable of sprouting desire in any man or woman hit by them.

Demeter: is the Goddess of the seasons and the harvest and gave mankind the gift of corn. She is the sister of Zeus and mother of Persephone, and eventually ruled over the Earth's fertility.

Dionysus: drives those in his presence to madness fueled celebration ecstasy and warship. A son of Zeus and one of the twelve Olympians, Dionysus is the God of wine and grapes, and his mission is to end worry and stress in his followers.

Gaia: is the Earth. A supremely powerful Mother Goddess, she represents the Earth itself as a Protogenoi, one of the first deities born when the universe itself sprang into existence.

Hades: lords over the souls of the dead from his ebony throne as ruler of the Underworld. The brother of Zeus and Poseidon, his very name conjures fear in the living. With his faithful three headed hound Cerberus at his side, Hades prevents any and all lost souls to escape his domain.

Hebe: a daughter of Zeus and Hera, is the Goddess of youth. She is able and sometimes willing to bestow youth upon those who wish it.

Hephaestus: a divine blacksmith, is the God of fire and volcanoes. Skilled in sculpting metalworking, blacksmithing and other crafts, he wields a divine axe along with tongs and a smith's hammer. He  is one of the many sons of Hera and Zeus.

Hera: is the goddess of women and marriage. As wife and sister to Zeus, Hera functions as a queen of Mount Olympus. She is known for her violent temper and vengeance fueled jealousy towards both Gods and mortals.

Hermes: a son of Zeus and Maia, is best known as a herald and messenger of the Gods. He is the protector of travellers of all kinds, from Sheppard's and merchants to thieves and knaves.

Hestia: though one of the greatest Goddesses of the Olympians, Hestia was passive and non-confrontational. She is well respected in every Greek household for her family and domestic inclination.

Hyperion: the God of light, is a Titan, one of the decedents of Gaia and Uranus. He, along with his brothers Krios, Koios and Iapetos, conspired with Kronos to castrate and overthrow their father.

Iapetus: also known as the Piercer, is a Titan, a descendant of Gaia and Uranus. He represents Mortal Life, and is the father of Prometheus and Atlas.

Iris: Goddess of the rainbow, us a messenger for the Gods. She rides the wind, able to traverse heaven and Earth as well as the Underworld itself.

Kalliope: is traditionally thought to be the most intelligent and wise of the Muses, who inspire men to great works of art. She was not only a lover to Ares but is said to have inspired Homer to write his epics, the Llaid and the Odyssey.

Kronos: is the leader of the Titans, descendants of Gaia and Uranus. Armed with a legendary stone sickle, he overthrew his father and ruled the Universe, until he was overthrown by his own son, Zeus.

Muses: were considered the source of the knowledge, related verbally for centuries in the ancient culture, that was contained in poetic lyrics and myths.

Oceanus: is the God of the river stream Ocean which circles the Earth and from which all fresh water forces form including seas springs and wells. He is a Titan, a descendent of Gaia and Uranus.

Ouranus: God of the Sky, is a Protogenoi, one of the primordial Gods born when the universe itself was forged. He joined with Gaia to produce many children, including the Hecatonchires, Titans and the Cyclopes.

Pisces: According to legend, Venus and Cupid encountered the monster Typhon, an enemy of all the Olympians. In order to escape, they transformed into an immortal fish and jumped into the Euphrates River. The other Gods put these fish into the heavens

Poseidon: God of the sea, is also known as 'Earth-Shaker' as a result of the terrifying earthquakes he conjures. Brother to Zeus and Hades, he rules over his division of the world; the ocean.

Prometheus: is a Titan god known for his forethought and intelligence. He carved mankind out of clay and stole fire from the heavens to deliver to the masses. As punishment from Zeus for this daring act, Prometheus was tied to a rock, forced to suffer while an eagle gnawed at his never ending liver  until he was freed by Hercules.

Rheas: a child of Uranus and Gaia is both sister and wife of Kronos, the lord of the Titans. Alongside Kronos, she was known as Queen of the Gods, and gave birth to Zeus who eventually overthrew her husband Kronos.

Tethys: is the Goddess of the sea. The wife of Oceanus, she is the source of many great rivers, including the Maeander, Alpheus and Nile rivers. Tethys is a Titan, a descent of Gaia and Uranus.

Thanatos: is the God of death. Though his touch will kill any creature, it is a non-ciolent death more akin to eternal sleep.

Zeus: is the king of the Gods, ruling over the universe from his throne on Mount Olympis. He is known as the God of the sky and thunder. With scepter in hand and eagle by his side, Zeus hurled thunderbolts from the heavens.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2013 ⏰

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