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Achillies: is perhaps the greatest Greek warrior of the Trojan War. Clad in divine armor impossible to pierce, he tore through the Trojan army, determined to slay the Trojan warrior Hector and avenge the death of his friend Patroclus. It is said his heel is the only part of his body vulnerable to attack.

Adonis: was born a child of entrancing beauty, captivating both Aphrodite and Persephone. He is known for his youthful looks and attractiveness.

Agamemnon: commanded the army of , the Greeks during the Trojan War. A representative for the King as well as a fierce warrior  on the battlefield, he performed many heroic acts and slew dozens on Trojans, including Antiphus.

Alcmen:, a tall woman of both wisdom and beauty, is the mother of the great hero Hercules and a descendant of Zeus himself.

Amazons: are a tribe of fierce warriors, made up entirely of woman. Led by the Queen Hippolyta, their nation is said to be located in Pontus.

Andromeda: Princess of Ethiopia is the daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia. When Poseidon punished mankind for Cassiopeia's arrogance by unleashing a sea monster, Andromeda was tied to a rock at sea as a sacrifice to satiate Poseidon's rage. However, she was rescued by the great hero Perseus, and soon became his wife.

Athenian Soldiers: fought against the Spartans in the Athenian War, also known as the Peloponnesian War. Athenian soldiers are known for their prowess and command of the sea.

Bellerophon, one of Greek's greatest heroes. is known to the world for his many heroic feats, such as slaying the three headed fire breathing Chimera.

Cassiopeia: mother of Andromeda, she boasted that her beauty surpassed the sea nymphs and Hera. the sea nymphs complained to Poseiden, who demanded she sacrifice her daughter to the monstrous Kraken. After Perseus rescued Andromeda, Poseiden chained her to the stars.

Clytemnestra: was a mysterious woman who murdered her husband, Agamemnon, king of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Argos upon his return from Troy.

Danae: a princess of Argos was destined to be murdered by her son. Hoping to prevent this, her father, King Acrisius locked her in a tower, where she was visited and impregnated by Zeus. She gave birth to the great hero Perseus.

Europa: is the daughter of Tyre's king Agenor. She was carried away towards Crete by Zeus, in the form of a magnificent white bull. She has not been seen or heard from since.

Gemini; the brothers, Pallux and Castor, were sons of Leda and Zeus and slaying the Calydonian Boar, and Zeus eventually made them immortal by putting them into the heavens.

Greek Soldiers: are known for their fearsome abilities on the battlefield, wielding spears, swords and bows.

Hector: a fearsome warrior of the Trojan Army and a prince expected to become king, battles valiantly in defense of Troy.

Helen: is a ravishing beauty, desired by all. She was seduced and eventually abducted by Paris, an act which sparked the bloody Trojan War.

Hercules: the mortal son of Zeus, is legendary for his great strength and otherworldly feats. Skilled with the bow as well as hand combat he is a fearsome warrior who has captured and slain some of the deadliest creatures known to man.

IO: hailing from Argos, was one of Hera's priestess. However, she was seduced by Zeus and eventually transformed by him into a heifer to hide her from the jealous Hera.

Iphicles: is the mortal twin of Hercules. Though a great warrior in his own right, Iphicles often found himself in the shadow of his divine brother.

Jason: a great mortal hero, led a band of sailors and warriors called the Argonauts, on a legendary quest to find the Golden Fleece.

Menalaeus: a king of legend was Helan's first husband prior to her abduction by Paris, sparking the Trojan War. A fierce warrior, Manalaeus fought at the front lines of battle, and defeated Paris in battle. However Paris escaped before Menalaeus could kill him.

Odysseus: ruler of Ithaca, is known not only for his great physical strength, but also his resourcefulness, cunning and diplomatic skills as well. He is famous for a number of heroic feats, many during his ten year sea journey back to Troy where he battled Cyclopes, Sirens, Sea nymphs and a host of other divine creatures.

Orion: a legendary hunter who was among the greatest of Greek heroes; Odysseus encounters his shade in the underworld, but Zeus put him into the heavens to memorialize his great deeds.

Paris: King of Troy and brother of Hector, is responsible for the Trojan War with his abduction of Helen of Sparta. Armed with a bow, he is a weak unskilled warrior but makes up for it in cunning and trickery.

Patroclus: a great warrior in the Greek army during the Trojan War, was a close friend of Achillies. He slew many Trojans, before meeting his end at the hand of the Trojan Prince Hector.

Perseus: a son of Zeus, is famous for his many heroic feats, which include slaying the deadly Gorgon Medusa, using her head to turn the mighty Atlas to stone and rescuing the fair maiden Andromeda from being sacrificed to sea creatures.

Priam: is the King of Troy, and father to Prince Hector of the Trojan Army. The slaying of Hector at the hands of Achillies left Priam a bitter and anguished man, ruling over a battered crumbling kingdom.

Rhadamanthys: is one of the three kings who became judges of the underworld, who judges where souls go after they died.

Spartan Soldiers: live for the battle. Originally a part of Greece, their lives and training revolve around battle and military excellence.

Theseus: is the king of Athens. Before becoming king, Theseus was known for several heroic deeds, including punishing bandits and slaying several mythical creatures, including the Minotaur.

Trojan Soldiers: part of the Trojan army is best known for battling the Greeks in the Trojan War. The soldiers of Troy are fierce and brave warriors.

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