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Aello: one of the Harpy's sisters, whos name means storm swift, boasts the body and claws of a bird and the face of a woman. Aello and her sisters Celaeno and Ocypete act as agents of punishment for the Gods snatching unknowing travelers from the sea and torturing them on their way to Tartarus.

Antaeus: child of Poseidon and Gias, is a giant with astonishing strenght while in contact with the Earth. Lifted into the air, his powers vanish and he becomes an ordinary man.

Areion: is an extremely swift immortal horse divinely bred and endowed with speech. Areion was mounted by Adrastus king of Argos.

Arges: is a first generation Cyclops a giant with only one eye. He and his two brothers, Sterope and Brontes, are the sons of Uranus and Gaia.

Briareus: one of the Hecatonchires, along with his brothers, Cottus and Gyges, is a giant of terrifying strenght with fifty heads and one hundred hands. The three brothers fought alongside Zeus against the Titans.

Brontes: is a Cyclops, a giant creature with only one eye in the center of his forehead. His brothers Arges and Sterope are the sons of Uranus and Gaia.

Calibos: a hideous and dangerous creature of the marshes, was punished for his many crimes of cruelty by Zeus who transformed him into a devil like beast, complete with horns, cloven feet, long tail and a demonic face no woman could love. He and his mother Thetis, hunger for vengeance against Zeus.

Celaeno: has the wings and body of a bird, and the face of a woman, whose name means darkness, is of the vicious Harpies. Along with her sisters Aello and Ocypete, she carries out the punishment of the Gods by snatching travelers on their way to Tartarus and torturing them in the Underworld.

Cerberus: is the loyal hound of Hades. A ferocious beast with three snarling heads and the tail of a serpent, he guards the entrance to the Underworld and prevents souls from escaping across the river Styx.

Cercopes: sons of Theia and Oceanus, were once theiving tricksters of the forest, who famously attempted to steal Hercules' weapons. Eventually, they ran afoul of Zeus, who punished them by transforming them into monkeys.

Cerynitain Hind: a blinding fast deer of the woods armed with gold antlers and bronze hooves, is a faithful companion of Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt.

Charon Ferryman: ferris the souls of the dead acrpss the rivers styx and acheron into the Underworls in his boat. If a person is not buried or doesn't have the coins to pay him then according to legend they have to wander alone on the banks of the rivers for a hundred years.

 Charybdis: was the daughter of Poseidon and Gaia. Now, however she is a creature of the sea taking the form of massive whirlpools. She sits on one side of the Straight of Messia, across from Scylla, ready to devour passing travelers.

Chimaera: is a beast that inspires terror from all who face her, spouting blasts of fire from her three heads. She is the child of the monstrous Typhon and Echidna, and armed with the head of a lion, goat and snake.

Chiron: is a Centaur, a creature with the upper body of a man and the lower body of a horse. He is the son of Kronos and known as the most civilized and intelligent of the Centaurs.

Corvus: was originally Apollo's sacred bird it had white feathers and could speak to humans. One day Apollo turned his feathers black and no longer let it speak after failing to please him.

Cottus: is one of the Hecatonchires, giants of awesome strength with one hundred hands and fifty heads. He is the brother of Briareus and Gyges, and fought alongside Zeus against the Titans.

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