Chapter 23

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When i wake up the next morning i already smell the amazing breakfast downstairs. I hop out of my bed and snatch my crutches. Outside of my room i collide with Zeke. I nearly fall over but he quickly holds me at my arm. I laugh and stand straight again. "Thanks Zekey." He winks at me and then we make our way downstairs shoving eachother a bit and just making fun.
Shauna and Mar present the most delicious looking breakfast i have ever seen in my life. "Wow guys. This looks amazing." I say when i look at the pancakes with little snowmen or santa clauses or angels on them. They both thank me.

After the most delicous breakfast in my entire life i go upstairs again. Tobias promised me to train with me today and i of course agreed. Its kind of sad, since i am nearly full into initiation again we barely ever talk to eachother. Probably because he realised that he is my trainer after all. I try to shrug that thought off and just put on my sports clothing. It firmly knocks on my door only a few minutes later. I straighten my shirt and say: "Come in." Tobias steps in and nods his head. "Are you ready?" I also nod and take my crutches. He holds the door for me and i walk through it.

"Okay. We will start with the general warm up." We both straighten. I touch my toes, bend my knees and stretch my arms. Then we each do 30 push-ups. After that we start with the punching bags. I start with regular punches. Suddenly i feel his hands on my stomach. "Keep tension here." He whispers. I feel his breath tickling my ear and only manage a nod. He releases me again and I start punching again.
After half an hour he stops me. "Know we will lift weights. You will use your left arm so it gets strong again." I nod and wipe away a bit of sweat on my forehead. He hands me a weight and i start off with ten times. He does twenty and everytime he moves his muscles flex. I have to concentrate so i don't stare. After a bit i feel my arm getting tired and set the weights down. He looks over at me. "Wait. Don't set them down yet." He gets up and walks over to me. He places his hand on mine and like that we tain together. "It is less exhausting for you but still trains your arm." I feel his fingertips brushing over mine occasionaly and have to swallow the lump in my throat. "Thank you." I say and immediatly curse myself because my voice sounds a bit strangled. "Are you okay?" I just nod and just then realise that he is sitting behind me and that i am sitting between his legs on the bench. I turn around a bit and my face is only inches away from his. He looks down at me and i feel my heart rate speeding up. He slowly lifts his hand to touch my face when suddenly the door bangs open. We jump apart and i turn around again - my face tomato red. "What is happening here?" I hear the cold and emotionless voice of Eric. I shudder. Tobias clears his throat. "We are just training." He says with his intimadating voice he sets up to speek to people he doesn't like. Eric nods but still grins evily. "Well, i never knew that you would straddle your initates." Tobias rolls his eyes. "Well, Tris broke her arm and i just helped her train. What a good trainer does..." Eric just ignores the hidden insult and turns towards me. "If you are not ready to train fully in the next two weeks you will be kicked out. Your whimpering has been tolerated long enough." My mouth drops open. Although my leg doesn't hurt that much i don't know whether i will be able to train fully in only two weeks. Eric leaves the room without another word. Tobias clenches his teeth and walks towards the punching bags. He starts punching it and groans in frustration. "Tobias..." i say quietly. He turns around aprubtly. "It is my fault. He saw how i - how you sat infront of me and he just... I am sorry." "Don't be." I say and look into his stormy blue eyes. "Eric is just an as... an idiot. I can do that. Two weeks is enough time." The corner of his mouth twitches. "Come on. I want to show you something." I nod. "But i still have to shower." He just nods and we both go into the changing cabine.

"Just turn right, now." He says and i turn the wheel. The car rolls onto a sand car park. It is already dark outside. "Where are we?" I ask. He doesn't answer. He just unbuckles his belt and gets out. I do the same. When i stepped outside i pull my anorak closer around my shoulders. Its only 5 pm but already dark. I hate winter for that. Suddenly it starts to snow. Tiny, light snowflakes. I laugh and start to twirl around. "Tobias!" I squeel. "It snows!" He laughs and i run towards him. Just then i notice the river directly next to us. Its a bit frozen. With a light layer of ice. Suddenly i am very close to him. "Merry christmas Tris." He whispers. I feel his breath on my face. He smells like his shampoo and his natural smell. "Merry Christmas Tobias." I start chewing on the inside of my lip. "Are you okay?" He asks carefully. I look up. "Why are you asking?" I see him smile a bit. His teeth lighting up in the dark a bit. "You always chew the inside of your lip when you are nervous." I can't supress a nervous smile. "You have been paying close attention to me. Didn't you?" He smiles wider. "I like to observe people." I laugh a bit. "You are a terrible liar Tobias." He releases a small laugh. "Okay, i have been paying attention to you because i really like you." I look at him wide eyed. He just said it. Just like that. "B-but you are older than me Tobias." I menatly slap myself. "Yeah, that two year gap really is insurmountable..." He pulls me towards him and i feel his warmth through his shirt. I look up at him and our lips are only inches away. And then he leans down and fits his lips on mine. I freeze completly and when he pulls back i am sure i did something wrong but he just pulls me to him closer and kisses me again. This time i jump into life and wrap my arm around his neck. Suddenly i am not cold anymore. Butterflies twirl in my stomach. We pull away and i smile. He laces his fingers with mine infront of our chest and pressed my hand to his. I feel his heart beating fast. Then he kisses me again and everything is perfect.
When we arrive at home again Tobias opens the door for me. Just when i want to enter he holds me back. He scratches the back of his neck. "Tris... we can't show our - our affection infront of the others. Its not allowed for trainers to date their initiates." I stumble back but he holds me. "I feel the same way Tris. I really do. But ots the rule." I just nod and press my lips to his shortly. "Then we can sneek around the house and meet secretly in the night." I whisper against his lips. He smiles and nods. I step away from him and he nods. We step inside and a wave of smell of food hits us. I smile and fasten my step.
"Hey guys we are home." I shout. I get 'heys' 'hellos' 'whats ups' back. I smile.
When we enter the livingroom my smile grows. The christmas tree nearly is finished. There are a few christmas balls hanging on it. Under it are a few presents and a fire is burning in the fireplace. The table is set and there is already some salad on it. I hop in the kitchen and hug mar from behind. "Mar it looks amazing!" "Just go in your room. Then you will thank me even more." I laugh and turn around. Tobias helps me up the stairs and i give him a quick kiss because the corridor is empty. He smiles and i enter. "Well hello tris." I hear a familiar voice. "Oh my god Chris!" I squeel. I throw myself into her arms and start to tear up. "I missed you so much!" I exclaim. "Me too. Its so good to see you." She responds. "And me? Did no one miss me?" Wills voice suddenly says behind me. I whip around and jump into his arms as well. Then i see Caleb as well. "Oh my god. You guys all came!" Caleb picks me up and the tears start to spill out. Caleb kisses my cheek and sets me down again. "Lets go downstairs. I guess there is food." Chris says and walks out. "Piggy back ride trissy?" Will suggests and i laugh and nod. He carefully picks me up and i clutch his back. He laughs and starts to run. When we arrive downstairs everyone looks at us and starts laughing. Only Tobias does not. The corners of his lips tuck downwards. He looks... jealous? I tap Wills shoulder and he sets me down. "Thanks you." I say like a little kid. We all sit down and i take my normal place next to Tobias. I squeeze his thigh a bit and he nods towards me. We all intervine our hands. I have mine in Mars and tobias'. Then we start eating. It was the best christmas of my life and we didn't even get the presents yet. ;)

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