Chapter 64

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I keep rolling over again and again. Something is calling me from deep down in my sleep.
I wake up and hear my phone ringing. It says that it's only shortly past four.
I rub my eyes and then answer the phone. A woman's voice says, „am I speaking with Tris Prior?"
I frown. I don't know her voice. I think I can hear noises around her. „Yes. Who is it." „my name is Janice. I am a nurse in the Washington medical center."
Cold fear grabs at my heart. I only know him in Washington. „What happened to Tobias? Is he okay? Is he hurt?" „so you know him? That's good. Where do you live? When can you be here?" „I live a few hours away. Could you please explain what has happened?" I ask my voice shaking. „Yes, certainly. Your friend has got an alcohol poisoning."
My heart sinks with fear. I knew something wasn't right. I knew he wasn't feeling fine.
„I am coming. I'll be there as soon as possible." i feel cold sweat dribbling down my back. He can't be dying. Oh Tobias...
I hop out of bed, not caring whether I wake up Thomas.
„Could you give us some information about him? Do you know how regularly he drinks? How much alcohol does he consum?" „I don't know." I yell panicked. „I didn't hear from him for at least three months. He broke up with me and I never heard another word from him." „Okay. She says in a soothing voice. Please come as fast as possible." „yes of course." then I hang up.
Before I do anything else I run into Zekes room. I burst through the door where he is sleeping with Shauna in his arms. „Zeke!" I yell and rip away his bed sheets. He groans. „What is it?" he slowly sits up and I turn on the lights. „Zeke Tobias is in danger! He... I just got called by the hospital. He has an alcohol poisoning! He must have started drinking after we separated! We have to go now!" Shauna sits up as well but while she still looks mildly confused Zeke is already on his feet and is throwing on proper clothes. „Let's Go! Shauna you'll tell the others tomorrow. Tris and I will go now. You guys have school and work, you can come as said as possible." he says towards her. I leave their room and return to mine in a fast pace to pack a few things. I decide to wake up Thomas. „Thomas. Thomas!" he wakes with a start. „Tris? What is happening? Is everything alright?" „No! I have to go to Washington immediately." he frowns. „Okay. What happened?" „it's Tob... it's my brother. He is no well. Zeke will come with me. Could you tell the Uni please? I hope they don't kick me out..." he shakes his head. „They won't. I am sure." I nod and peck his lips. „Okay. Thanks." he gets up and puts on his normal clothes while I hastily pack my stuff in a duffel bag. I grab my tooth brush and then meet Zeke in the living room. It's still pitch black outside. „The next train will only come at six. We'll have to wait till then." he announces. I whip out my phone and type in it. „Not to the airport. We'll take the train at five and..." I type some more. „And a flight at six. Let's go!" „I'll drive you to the airport." Thomas announces and then we are off.

At shortly past six we sit in the small machine and my head is still working. I hope he won't need a liver transplant, if he needs one everything will be more complicated. I hope he payed all his insurance bills, he needs that now.
I lay my head on Zekes shoulder and have to choke down tears. „Why?" I press out. „Who knows?" he answers and lays an arm around my shoulder.
Its all the talking we do.

Finally at shortly before nine am we arrive at the hospital. I got another call telling me that he is going under numerous procedures now, which will take some time. This lead to Zeke and I slowing down a bit and we actually stopped to eat and drink something.
We enter through the E.R. and walk to the front desk. „My name is Tris Prior. I am a... friend of Tobias Eaton. I am his emergency contact. One of your nurses, Jannie... Janice called me this morning."
The man behind the desk nods and types something in his computer. „Yes. Please follow me."
I look at Zeke and we follow the man into the elevator.
„He was found in an alley. A stranger found him and called an ambulance immediately. He first thought your friend was a... a homeless man." He explains. „My name is Danny by the way." he introduces himself. „It's that bad?" Zeke now asks and exchanges a look with me. Danny slowly moved his head from side to side. „I don't know... he is... he didn't talk much, but he was awake again when he was brought in, that's a good sign. So you are Tris, right?" He now addresses me directly and I jump slightly. I got lost in the pictures that formed up inside my head.
„ehm... yes I am. I... did he say anything?" Danny shakes his head. „I mean not really... Not from what I heard anyway." the elevator beeps and the door opens. Danny leads the way.
He explains while we walk, „well but he kept mumbling about mistakes he made and that he needs to call her... we just assumed that it probably was You." One part of me lights up at that while the other one still is in doubt and worry. Did he really mean me? Maybe he meant another girl...
Danny leads us to the ICU. I expected that but Zeke, who kept unusually quiet until now, inhales sharply.
I hook my arm in his and squeeze it gently, together we enter the ward.

Danny guides us to a fully equipped room, only the bed is missing. He points at two chairs in the corner. „He'll probably be back in about an hour maybe earlier. He has already been through X-ray and CT but they need to test some organ functions. You can just wait here, if you have any questions ask the nurses." he smiles reassuringly at the both of us and then nods. „Goodbye, And thank you!" I say sincerely. He nods and then turns and leaves.
Leaves Zeke and me alone in the dimly lit hospital room, waiting.

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