Chapter 3

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"Tris!" The woman at starbucks calls out. I hurry towards the counter and pick up my hot chocolat with caramel. "Thanks." I say and walk away again. I sit next to Al. "Sooo..." i ask. There has been awkward silence ever since the talking started - well didn't really start... "Sooo..." Al responds and scratches the back of his neck. "Do you have any pets?" He asks after a while of silence. I mentally roll my eyes. I really want to respond: 'Yeah i have three unicorns!' But i hold myself back and just say: "No, do you?" He shakes his head. "No me neither. But i've always wanted a dog." "I don't really like dogs." I just respond. After that there is an awkward silence again.

Twenty minutes later we've gone through every single theme you could talk about and realised that we have not a single thing in commen. Great...

Another twenty minutes later we leave starbucks again. I get into my car and he gets into his. I wave him one more time and he gives me a shy smile that makes me nearly roll my eyes, before i pull out of my parking spot and drive away. Well, that was a disaster! But i guess i'll still go to that ball with him. Just for Chris. He already asked me and i were able to change it towards a 'date'. But i guess i'll tell him i'll go qith him tomorrow. School today was normal. Like everything in my life. But whatever.

When i arrive at home i see that there is Chris car infront pf our house. Before i step out of the car i snatch my backpack from the back and pull my anorak over my shoulders. I walk up the few steps and then unlock the door. From the inside i can hear laughter.
When i step into the livingroom i see Chris, Will and Caleb on the couch. They are laughing about something. "Hey guys." I say and smile. All of there heads shoot towards me. Chros jumps up and tackles me with a tight hug. "Chris. Can't. Breath." I stutter out. "I'm just so proud!" She squeels after she let go. "Little Trissy finally had her first date!" I roll my eyes and Caleb raises his eyebrows at me. I shrug "well, but it was pretty awful... it was awkward and i don't know... But i'll go to that ball with him. Just for you Chrissy." I explain and she squeels again. "Omg! We are going to look stunning! Will you can go now. We have to plan our make-up!" I groan while Will and caleb laugh. "Chris, prom is in two weeks. We don't need to plan that already now!" I complain. "Nonsense! Its actually not enough time!" She gives Will a quick goodbye kiss and then drags me upstairs.
When we arrive in my room she shuts the door and shoves me on my bed. "Sit!" I laugh. "I am not a dog Chris." She sticks out her tounge and i laugh more. She starts going through my low amount of make-up and starts babbling. "You never told me Caleb already had a date for prom. I actaully first thought you guys could go together, but that would have been weird because everyone knows that you are brother and sister you know. But then he told me he is going with susan and since you are going with al i guess its fine. Omg prom will be amazing. I'm already so excited! Did you hear that lauren that slut wants to go tere with jeremya and lucas? Like, you could bring two dates..." she keeps on blabbing while i just enjoy listening and hearing the school newest trash storys. I always wonder where she gets these informations from. I mean like seriously... Does she overhear every single conversation that is made at our school? She keeps talking and as ever i just nod and say 'mhm' from time to time. This is why i love Chris. She just wants someone to listen. And the thing about me is that i don't really like talking but can listen. So it fits perfectly.
After half an hour of going through my closet and scratching out every single bit of make-up i ever bought we walk into the bathroom. We put all the make-up in the sink. Of course we forgot it pull down the plug and a lipstick calmly rolls into it. Great. I quickly close the plug and pretend like nothing happend. Chris is to occupied doing who knows what. I turn towards her and she goes through my make-up. This is one of Christinas favourite hobbys. Sorting my make-up. I just watch her do it.

One hour later she is about done. She places the last eyeliner in the shelf and smiles. "Here you go." I smile as well and shake my head at her. "You are unbelievable, but thanks." She laughs and just nods. "No problem. I think i'll go now. My parents told me to be at home earlier today." "Ok, i know the parent problem..." i respond and roll my eyes at the thought of my parents.

I follow Chris towards the door and shut it behind her. My mother is already making noises in the kitchen while i saw my father reading another newspaper in his - you won't be able to guess it... - armchair. Yey! I slowly walk into the livingroom. He peeks over his paper and narrows his eyes at me. "What is it?" He asks harshly. "Look dad, i'm sorry. I just always snap if you scream at me like you did the last days. Also there is another thing i want to talk about woth you..." i trail off at the end. He folds his newspaper and points to the couch. I take a seat and fold my hands in my lab, massaging them out of nervousness. I feel his stare on me and slowly lift my eyes to look at him. I gulp and then start: "Well, i just wnated to ask whether it would be ok for you if i would go to an university in another city maybe. Just maybe in a bigger city you know... its like a wish i always had." He stares at me for a long time before he simply says: "No!" With this small world he just made my world break down. He takes his newspaper again and starts reading. "Wh-" my voice comed out strangled and i clear my throat. "What do you mean?" He raises his eyebrows and looks at me. "I thought you'd be intellegient enough to know what the small word 'no' means..." i roll my eyes. "You know perfectly well that this is not what i meant!" He just 'mhm's me and something inside me snaps. I jump up and start yelling: "How the fuck do you give yourself the right do deny me somethig like that! Huh? You kept me prisoned in this small town and it was fine when i was younger but now? I am seventeen! I want to go somewhere else! If i'd be caleb you would let me go! But no, i am 'just beatrice'! The small beatrice that needs protection! Your either blind or stupid but that is not who i am anymore! I only wrote A's and B's at school! I am frecking better than caleb but you just close your eyes about that! I don't need your fucking allowence!" He doesn't say anything. He ignores me. He pretends like his daughter didn't just spill out all her feelings that kept nagging at her. Like she didn't just told him what her biggest wish is. I stare at him a bit longer before i turn around and storm out. I run upstairs and into my room. I slam the door shut and throw myself on my bed. I start crying untill it knocks on my door. I quickly wipe the tears. If its my dad i don't want him to see me crying. "Yes." I respond. The door opens but its not my dad, its caleb. He comes in, shuts the door and then sits next to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and i lean into him. "Tris, you know that it won't change anything to scream at him." I just sniff and shake my head. "I'll run away. Somewhere far away. Tonight." He makes me look into his eyes and shakes his head as well. "No, you wom't do that. If you really want to et away you shouldn't do it before you graduated and turned 18. Then you can do whatever you like. Apply for college, become a workman... whatever you like. He smiles and i do too. "I guess you are right. I'll do it after graduation. But i'll only tell chris and will and you about it." I nod and lean into him again. "Thanks Caleb." "Anything for you bea."

Away!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن