Chapter 36

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"Four, i am fine." I reasure him through the phone. "Can't at least Zeke drive you home?" I sigh. "Four..." "ok, ok." "I have to go now. My course starts." "Ok bye." I hang up. Ever since yesterday he keeps checking up on me - every ten minutes... I walk into the big room and find my place. I sit next to Anna and Sophie. "Hey." Anna greets me. "Hey an, soph." I say and smile. We hang out at university together but we never met outside of it. The professor walks into the room and the course begins.

"Ok, bye. I'll see you tomorrow." Ann says and hugs me goodbye. "Bye Ann." She smiles and we part in different directions. She walks towards the bus, i walk towards the train. My phone rings. "Hey who is it?" "Its me. Four." "Oh hey. Whats up? You okay?" His voice sounds a bit tense. "Yes. Just checking." I nod. "Okay. Well i am on my way back home. When will you arrive?" "I'll be on my way in a few minutes." I nod again. We keep talking while i walk towards the train station. Its nearly dark but i am not scared. I am just telling Tobias about the thing that happend during lunch when a van holds directly infront of me. I was going to cross the road. "Hey!" I shout. "What happend?" Tobias asks confused. "This idiot stopped directly infront of me." I roll my eyes and walk around the van. When i pass the drivers door it suddenly opens and i get it straight into my face. My phone drops into a puddle and i start to see stars. I stumble backwards. "Oh my... i am incredibly sorry. I didn't see you. Are you okay?" I manage a small nod. When my vision gets a bit less blurry i can make out that its a woman who is standing infront of me. She guides me towards the sidewalk and i sit down with her help. "Thank you." I slur. "No problem. Its the least i can do." "Mummy what happend? Did you hurt that girl?" "Jenny go in the car again." I see a small girl - maybe five - standing infront of the van. "I am okay again. Thank you." I say. She helps me to my feet and i smile. The pain is now just dull and the world stopped spinning. "Are you sure? I could drive you home." I shake my head no. "No its fine. I just live a few train stations from here." She nods and releases my arm. "I am sorry again." I smile. "Its okay." She nods and picks up the little girl. "I told you not to go out of the van." She sits her on the seat and then closes the door. I wave at her and she waves back. Then they start driving away. I step into the train station and wait for my train.

I ring the doorbell. Uri opens it for me. "Hey trissy." He says and smiles. I give him a quick hug and step in. When i step into the light he gasps. "Wow tris. What happend to you face?" "Wow ok thanks uri. I know i am not that pretty but so bad?" He shakes his head and guides me towards the mirror on the right side. I see my face with a huge bruise on my forehead. Its blue and red and starts to swell. "Wow." I turn my head a bit. Then i shrug and take of my shoes and my jacket. Uri leaves his hand on my shoulder and guides me towards the couch. Just then i remember my phone thag still lays in that puddle. I groan. "What is it? Are you feeling dizzy?" Uri asks and carefully sits me down. I roll my eyes. "No. I just realised that i dropped my phone into a puddle and then forgot it." Uri sighs. "Well, till now its definatly broken..." i sigh as well and nod. "I guess. Could you tell Four i am home? I don't want him to worry." Uri nods and shouts: "Four! Tris is here!" I hear no answer but a few seconds later i hear his door opening and then his steps on the stairs. He walks into the livingroom smiling. "Hey Tris. How are-" he stops himself when he sees the large bruise on my forehead. "What happend to you?" He asks shocked. I sigh. "I ran into a door." Uri starts laughing and i grin as well. Tobias rolls his eyes. "Good job Tris. You are too clumsy..." "Hey!" I conplain. "It wasn't my fault! This woman just opened her car door and i got straight into my face." Uri starts laughing even harder. "Yes i know Uri... really funny. But the shitty thing is i dropped my phone." Tobias nods. "Oh that is why the connection suddenly stopped. How is your head feeling?" I shrug. "Fine." "You want a cool pack?" I suddenly hear mars voice behind me. I jump a bit. "Woah mar! You scared me." She giggles. "Sorry. But seriously, do you need one?" "No." I say while Tobias says at the same time: "Yes." We turn towards eachother. "Tobias..." "Tris..." we say again at the same time. We look at eachother surprised and then start laughing. We laugh really hard. Uri and Mar give eachother a look and then start laughing as well. Zeke and Shauna come down the stairs and look at us like we are weird. And i guess we are. Mar then goes and gets me a coolpack. I sigh and hold it on my head. It hurts at first but then the cooling effect comes and it gets better. Tobias lays his hand over mine - the one that is holding the coolpack - and i let my arm sink down. "Thanks." I mumble. He nods and smiles a bit.

In the evening it knocks on my door. I smile already expecting Tobias. And sure enough he steps in. "Hey. Can't you sleep?" He smirks. "No. I need you." I smile as well. I move to the side and he sits next to me. "Come on Tobias. Lets sleep." He smiles wider and i groan and sit up as well. "What is it?" "I got a present for you." My mouth drops open. "Why? You didn't have to..." he stops me with a finger on my lips. "I didn't have to but i wanted to." I smile and he gets out a square small box. He hands it to me and i open it. A beautiful necklace with three charms dangling from blinks at me. A 'T' a '+' and a another 'T'. I gasp. "Tobias..." "Do you like it?" I stare at him wide eyed. "Are you kidding? I love it!" He blushes a bit. The necklace is from my mother. She had it with only one T and i added the plus sign and the other T. Turn them around." I smile at him and do what he said. On the first T is a 6 on the back and on the second is a 4. "T-this ia amazing." I say and jump into his arms. I hug him closely. "Thank you so much Tobias." He smiles as well and i pull away a bit but only to press my lips on his. Only shortly though because he pulls away a bit and mumbles: "Turn around." I do and put my hair to the side. He carefully hangs the necklace around my neck and closes it. The three charms dangle on my chest and i kiss him again. "This is so... Thank you. So so much." I say again and kiss him once more. Then he wraps his arms closely around me and i slowly drift into sleep feeling the light pressure of the necklace around my neck. The last thing i hear is Tobias mumbling: "I love you Tris." And i might say it back but i am to far gone.

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