Chapter 40

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I don't want to open my eyes. I know when i do that i will be back in my cell and then i will get hurt again. I slowly move my arms and it sends so much pain through my chest that i groan. After a while i slowly peel my eyes open. My left eye still doesn't open. When i look around i frown. I am not in my cell. I am in a small street. I am laying on the sidewalk. I slowly sit up - sending more pain through my body. I fight the tears. I don't know this area. Where am i? With the help of the wall i push myself up. This was a bad idea though. As soon as i stand everything starts turning and spinning. I lean against the wall and slide down. I see the dark night sky above me. I look down at me. My arms are bruised and swollen. My pants are ripped in multiple places and my pullover barely covers anything because of the many holes he has. Luckily i wear a top underneath it. I still wear no shoes though. I look at the cast at my foot. Its not holding anything anymore. With imense pain racing through my abdomen i lean forward. I clench my jaw and fix the cast as good as possible.
After a bit of time i try to stand up again. I don't suceed. I groan in frustration and start crying. What is happening here? Did i escape? If yes, how? I passed out. Suddenly i hear a voice: "Did you hear that?" My head shoots up so fast i even get dizzy while sitting. The arm i was leaning on suddenly is to weak and i fall sideways. I can prevent my head from hitting the stone. With a blurry vision i see someone walking around the corner. The someone - a man - stops dead in his tracks when he sees me. I am to shocked to say anything. Please don't let it be Jeanine or Marcus or Micheal. I cower away when the person walks towards me with fast steps. "Tris. Is that you?" The person asks. The voice is soft and i know it. "Uwhha" i groan out. I can't talk. Great. I'm pretty sure its uriah by now. He takes my hand in his and checks my pulse. "Guys! Come here i need help!" He says in his phone. "Can you sit up?" He asks me. I slowly nod and push myself into a sitting position again. He steadies me with his arm. "Is this you tris?" Uri asks - his voice coming out strangled. I nod again. "Guys fast!" He says in his phone.
Only a few minutes someone dashes around the corner. When he is closer i recognise tobias. "T-t" i get out before the tears run down my face. When tobias is here i am safe. "Tris!" He wheezes out when he slitters to a halt next to me. He takes my face in his hands and i see tears in his eyes. "What did they do to you?" He asks more himself than me. I just cry silently and let him craddel me in his arms. I cry in his shirt. Then i hear more footsteps. "Did you find- oh my god!" "What happend to her?" "Come on we have to move now!" "She is right." "They could come here any second." I hear a lot of hushed voices. I grab tobias shirt. He can't let them take me again. No, i couldn't take that. He strokes my hair carefully. "I won't let them take you again tris. I promise." I just manage a nod. The last thing i hear is the roaring of an engine and Tobias soothing words in my ear.
When i open my eyes this time the sun is shining through a window. I slowly sit up and feel how a cool pack slides down my face. I look around. I am laying on the bakseat of the van. I can hear muffled voices from outside. "She is - weak." "We can't -" i only hear parts of their conversation. Through an open window a fresh wind blows onto my face. It smells like salt. Are we at the ocean? I manage to sit up and see all my friends sitting outside in the sun. They all have worried faces. I don't spot tobias. I frown. Where could he be? When i turn around i see him and suddenly all my injuries are forgotten. I was right we are at the ocean. Tobias just emerges the water. The sun shines onto his perfect body and the water still runs down his chest. The red bathing shorts he is wearing contrasts to his tanned skin. My breath falters. I watch him take a towel and dry his hair a bit. He walks towards the van and the moment is over. The pain rushes into my body again and i groan when my head slightly hits the car ceiling. Every head snaps in my direction. When they see that i am awake they immediatly jump up. Chris slides open the door and smiles at me. "How are you feeling?" She asks. I want to say something but when i open my mouth no words escape. I only manage a small wheeze. Tobias arrived at the car by now. He is wearing a shirt now and exchanged his bathing shorts for normal black ones. When he sees that i am awake his eyes grow big and he runs over to me. The other let him through and he jumps into the van. He carefully takes me into his arms. He smells like safety, like my tobias. "Tris" he sighs out and i can hear that he is on the verge of tears. He carefully lays me down again and places the cool pack on my left eye. He gently kisses my forehead. "How are you feeling?" I manage a small shrug. Although that is a lie. I feel like a truck hit me. He slowly leans down and kisses my cheek. I inwardly groan. All i want is him kissing me on the lips. I know it will make the pain go away. I hold his head down with a weak arm when he wants to straighten again and slowly push him down towards me again. He gets the hint and carefully fits his lips on mine. I feel his soft lips moving against mine and as i said all the pain is forgotten. Tears gather in my eyes and Tobias misreads it. He quickly pulls away ans his face shows regret. Does he regret kissing me? "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He says. I want to scream at him that i cried out of joy but i just manage a small squeeking sound. He strokes my hair. "I will leave you alone now." My eyes grow wide and i hold him back with all my strenght - what isn't much at the moment. He comes back and i pull him down to me. I carefully lay my head on his chest. I hear his steady heart beat and feel his chest rising and falling. His hand carefully strokes my hair that is all knoted. Just when i close my eyes i have an idea. I poke tobias chest abd he looks at me concerned. "Are you okay?" I try to say something once again. "Tris no. You can't speak." I nod and try to show him with my hands what i want. He tilts his head and frowns. "What?" I sigh. I try something different. I make the movement of writing in the air and he finally understands. He gives me a paper and a pen which i take in my shaking hand. When he sees that he steadies mine with his. I lean against him while i write: ice cube. When he read it i point to my throat and try to explain him with my hands that its probably swollen. He understands and shouts for Zeke. He explains it to him while i lay back down. I close my eyes and feel how a few minutes someone slowly opens my mouth and puts something freezing cold inside. I suck it and let the cold water run down my throat. It alleviates the pain immediatly and i tangle my hand in tobias hair. He gently presses his lips to my forehead and for the first time in a few days i am close to happy.

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