Chapter 2

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I wake up to my clock making the most annyoing noises. I groan and hit the snooze button. I pull my blanket over my head and hope that the morning will just go away. Of course it doesn't. My brother knocks on the door that conects my room with the bathroom. "Bea? Are you awake?" His muffled voice asks. I groan in response. "I'll take that as a yes." I smile while i kick away the blanket. His head pops in my room. "Get out of bed. Its time for school." "Amazing..." i say sarcasticly and slowly sit up. I rub my eyes and yawn. "Thanks for waking me up Caleb." I say theough the yawn and he smiles. "No problem. Get ready now." "Yes mum..." he laughs and closes the door again. I stretch and put my bare feet on the floor. Lets get this started...

I pull into my parking spot next to Christinas range rower. Caleb gets out and i follow him. "Bye Bea. Have a nice day." He says and waves goodbye to me. I wave back and watch him disapear in the crowd of students, trying to get through the small entrence door. I sigh and turn towards Christinas car. She sits on the front seat, well tecnically Will sits on the front seat, but since she is pressed to him and stradling him while they lick each others faces i guess you can say they both sit on the front seat.
I shrug and turn towards the entrence as well.

My backpack bounces against my leg as i hang it on the hook on the table. I lean back and wait for Mrs Nord - oir history teacher - to hand out the tests. Chris comes in just when the bell rings. She sits on the single table next to me and waves at me. I wave back. "Where were you?" She asks. "I saw you and will eating eachother so i already went inside." I shrug and she blushes a bit but shrugs as well. "Good luck with the test." I say and then get out my pen. Mrs Nord lies my test infront of me and gives me a warm smile. She likes me and i like her. I know its really nerdy that i like my teacher but whatever, she is nice... We are allowed to turn the paper and i start to write. As i said, its going to be easy...

The bell rings and i click my pen. Done. In the last minute. Mrs Nord collects my test and i am free to go. I wait for Chris to pack all her things and then we head out. On the hallway she pokes my shoulder. "Hey Nerd, how much did you write this time?" I laugh slightly and shrug. "About five or six pages. I lost track of them." She laughs as well. "Do you already have a date for prom?" I groan. "Christina... i don't want to go!" She stops apruptly and grabs my arm. "Are you kidding me? You can't be serious!" I roll my eyes. "As if its such a big deal and also i don't even have a date and i definatly won't show up without one. Not that having a date ever was important to me before but i guess prom is somd kind of thing where you need one and-" chris interupts me: "as much as i hate to interupt your rambling - i actually don't hate it - but i've found you a date. Well will found you a date on my comand. He is called Al. Well really Albert but everyone calls him Al." My mouth drops open. "Really? Albert? This shy guy? He is funny and stuff but i could never date him. He is such a... i don't know doushbag." Chris laughs. "Well yeah he kind of is. But he keeps talking about you. He has a total crush on you. He keeps stalking you." "Wow, he sounds symaptic..." she laughs again. "No seriously Tris. He is cool. Just give him a chance. You can go as friends you know..." I sigh but nod. "Ok, i'll give him a chance."

At four pm i finally leave the school. Chris' arm is hooked in mine and she keeps blabbing about prom and her dress and her shoes and Will. I just don't really listen. I nod and say: 'mhm' from time to time what satisfises her. We arrive at our cars and Will already waits for us. Well he waits for Christina. I really have to stop correcting myself in my thoughts. Chris squeels and runs up to him. I have to go theiugh the torture of them biting in each other faces. I turn away from them and throw my backpack onto the front seat. I plop on the driving seat and start the engine. Just when i want to step on the gas pedal Chris jumps infront of my car. I hit the breaks and the car stutters a few times before the engine goes out. I clutch my chest over my heart and slowly roll down my window. "Are you insane?" I ask shocked. "You can't just jump infront of cars!" She only laughs. "I know you have great reflexes." I roll my eyes. "So, what was so important you nearly got yourself killed for?" "Tris..." she sighs. "You tend to overdramatisise things..." i roll my eyes again and she gets into my car grinning. She throws my backpack on the backs seat and sits down next to me. "We still have to go shopping." I groan. "Fiiine... but only becausei trey and failed to convince you not to go a million times..." she squeels and i start the engine again. "Some day you are going to kill me!" I say and she just laughs.

Fifteen houres later - no actually three hours later i am finally at home. I have a dress for prom and Chris has so everyone is happy... Chris gave me Als number so we could 'get to know eachother more.' Well, i don't really have to get to know him. I know hin since fourth grade. Even back then he was the shy type. He would barely talk or play with us. He hasn't changed. And maybe there are girls out there who like boys like that, but i am not one of them. I sink back into my seat and press my hand to my forehead. I will get through this. I will get through highschool and then i'll go to university and have a new life.
These are my thoughts when i snatch my backpack and my dress and make my way to the house. I unlock the door and step in. "Hey! I'm home!" I shout into the house. "Hey Bea!" I hear my brother. As ever nothing from my mother while my fathers strict voice says: "Could you come here Beatrice?" I inwardly sigh an prepare for the worst as i make my way towards him. My foot with hello kitty socks on - don't judge me i had no others - slowly carry me toward sthe living room. My father sits in the armchair and my mother on the couch. As ever. "What is it dad?" I ask. "I want to talk about your behavior yesterday evening." I nod. "I am really sorry i yelled at you but i just wanted to go out with Christ-" he interupts me. "I am not finished!" I groan. "About you behavior yesterday evening and the massiv amount of 'coming to late' excuses you had to make up." "I never made up a single one. They are all true!" I respond and lean against the door frame with my arms crossed. "Young lady..." he starts. "Seriously dad! When am i not a 'young lady' anymore huh? When i am eighty? I - you - ugh!" I just turn around and stomp upstairs. Again i am also angry at myself. I just explode to easily. I shouldn't have yelled at him but i just couldn't contain it. Since i already ate with Christina i lock myself into my bedroom and ignore the calls of my dad. I just lie on my bed, with a map in my hands and look at the endless roads. I do this a lot, to relax me. I already know all the streets in this town and i am learning them for the state. Well only the really big ones. I shut my map and just lie on my back. I already know that i want to get away, i just don't know when and how. It has to be soon and maybe i can even talk my parents into leting me go. I'll have to ask them tomorrow. My mum isn't going to answer anyway, so...
I just close my eyes and before i notice or even could take of my clothes i am asleep.

I forgot that in the beginning but the characters belong to the amazing Veronica Roth who i adore and admire! ❤❤

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