Chapter 28

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I wake up early the next morning. Since i've gone to bed at six pm its no surprise though. I feel Tobias arms still around me. I smile and snuggle closer towards him. His bare chest is so warm. He is warm in general. Men are warmer in general because they have a 5% thicker skin than wimen. That is a fact. I slowly turn around and slowly kiss his cheek. Then his jaw. Then his lips. I quickly pull away though. I don't want to wake him. I slip out of his arms. I step out of my room and collide with Zeke in the coridor. He laughs. "Morning tris." I slowly close my door. He can't see Tobias in there. I smile. "Morning Zeke. I am first!" I yell and run towards the bathroom. He curses and runs behind me. I arrive first and quickly shut the door. I hear him pound against the door but just ignore it. I lock the door and laugh. I hear his steps going away. I turn on the bathroom radio we have and step into the shower. It plays chasing cars. I love that song. I slowly sway with the music and sing along at my favourite parts. I massage the shampoo into my hair and get rid of the last parts of dirt on my body. I step out of the shower steaming. I wipe the mirror clean and look at myself. I am smiling. My cheeks are red and full of life. My eyes sparkle. I smile wider. For the first time in my whole life i am content with how i look. I wrap a towel around my body and step out of the bathroom. I forgot my clothes. I am so stupid. I pray that Tobias still is asleep. I slowly open the door. I still hear his calm and heavy breathing. I smile a bit and slip inside. I tipoe towards my dresser and pull out random things. I put on underwear and just when i pulled down my shirt Tobias opens his eyes. I smile and finish drying my hair. "Did i wake you up?" He shakes his head no and smiles a bit. I walk towards him and give him a quick kiss. He smiles wider. "I could get used to wake up like that." I laugh and he pulls me towards him. He kisses me again. He tastes like sleep. He carefully throws me on my bed and i giggle. He kisses me again and i wrap my arms around his neck. We keep kissing and rolling around on the bed untill Lynn shouts out of the kitchen: "Food is ready!" Everyone seems to be up early today. I smile and pull away. Tobias gets up as well and i want to look out whether someone is outside but Tobias holds me back. "What does it matter? We are allowed to have a relationship now." I smile widely when i realise he is right. "That is true but i don't think they should find out because you sneek out of my room..." he laughs and nods. "You probably are right." I smile and then we both leave my room.
Before i go downstairs i use the toilet so when i come down everyone is already sitting at the table. When they see me they cheer. "There she is!" "Six!" Someone shouts and i laugh. "Thanks guys but its fine. You don't have to do that." Zeke jumps up. "Yes we do! You have the second best time ever! The best one is Four." He smirks at Tobias. When i think about it uri was second with 10 minutes and i needed four minutes less. I laugh. "You still don't need to call me six." I say and smile. I sit down on my regular seat next to Tobias. Mar places a plate infront of me. It has a pancake with a huge '6' written with chocolat sauce. I laugh. "Thanks mar." They all laugh as well and we strt eating.
When the breakfast is nearly finished i squeeze Tobias thigh undr the table. He nods at me and i smile. I clear my throat. "I have an anouncement." I say loudly. Everyone falls quiet. "I have a boyfriend." They all gasp and Mar squeels. "Oh my god! Who is it? Do we know him? Is it jackson? Oh my god!" I laugh. "Relax Mar. Deep breaths. First of all yes you know him but no its not jackson. I would neever date him. Lets see whether you can guess who it is..." they start guessing. "Is he from dauntless?" "Yes." "Did you meet him there?" "No."
This goes on. After fifteen minutes they still haven't guessed right. I laugh a bit. And then Tobias says: "I also have an anouncement. I have a girlfriend." Everyone gasps again and uri throws his napkin on the table. "Great. Now we have another persom to guess!" Tobias and i start laughing. Then he pulls me to my feet and leans down. We kiss infront of all our friends. "Oh my god!" Mar squeels and i hear how a chair falls over. Tobias and i pull away and he lays his arm around my shoulder. Suddenly mar tackles me with a hug. I laugh and she squeels. "My favourite ship is sailing!!!! Fourtris forever!!!" I laugh. Then everyone else hugs me as well. Zeke slaps Tobias back.

"The new members will choose their jobs today. They don't have to take on though." Max says while he stands on the podium. The room isn't so full today. There are only the initiants and their friends and family. "Tris Prior as the first one please." I step on the podium. "I'd like a part time job. I'd like to train initiants once a year together with Four and Eric." Max smiles and pats my shoulder before i walk down again. I stand next to Tobias again and we intervine our fingers. I smile up at him. Till now Uri stepped up on the podium and turns towards Max. "I'd like to be a leader once i've finished school." Max nods and slaps Uris back. Then Peter steps up and chooses. I don't get to hear what he chooses because tobias pulls me in one of the hallways. "What is it?" I ask confused. He just grins and kisses me. I grin as well and kiss back. We keep kissing untill someone taps his shoulder. He turns towards the person and then suddenly i have a fist in my face. Tobias screams. "What the fuck?" He pushes away the attacker. My vision is a bit blurry. Then suddenly i feel another punch against the side of my head. "Cheater!" Someone hisses in my ear. Then someone shoves me to the ground. I feel at least two pair of feet kicking me. I am way to dizzy to move. I hear a faint shout. "Leave her alone!" I feel the kicks stopping. Instead i feel two strong arms that pull me away from the attackers. "I got you tris." I hear uri's voice. Everything hurts. I feel myself getting lifted up and i feel the calming movements of someone carrying me. Before i see who it is -uri or tobias - i black out.

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