Chapter 35

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-Adam's P.O.V.-

Whiskey is breathing heavily and there is so much going on. It seems like there are IV's and needles everywhere and I start to panic.

"Adam! Adam!" Whiskey yells and I go to her side while I hyperventilate,"Adam, breath and focus. You're ok Adam, I'm here. But I need you help. I need you to hold my hand and, uh, why don't you tell me about your favorite part of the tour"

I start to calm down, as I watch her and hold her hand,"I, uh, my, er." I start to calm down a lot more and I look at her, sweat running down the side of her face,"My favorite part was being with you."


Forever seems to pass by until I hear the loud cries of a baby.

"It's a boy!"

"Let's get his vitals and cleaned up."

I turn to follow them but Whiskey pulls my arm, tears in her eyes,"Is he ok?"

I nod,"He's beautiful."

She breaks down crying, and I, along with her. We've accepted what happened to Claude, but the subject still hurts. But now, we have our gift that was taken from us.

"Here daddy, do you want to hold him?" The nurse asks me holding a small baby boy all bundled up and clean

"Yes, please," I say, and the nurse hands me the baby. My grip tightens around him, I don't want him to be taken away from me. It would hurt too much.

"We'll be back in a little bit, to check on you three," the nurse says closing the door behind her.

"Is he healthy?" Whiskey asks me, not wanting to look.

"He's perfect," I whisper.

His eyes are closed, but he has a head full of his mother's hair. His skin is a mix of his mother's tropical tan skin and my pale white skin. He has his mom's cheeks.

"Adam, can I hold him?" Whiskey asks, pushing the button on the bed remote so that she's sitting up right.

"Sure," I say handing her the baby.

Tears start to stream down her rosy cheeks as she caresses the baby, and looks up at me,"He has your head."

I smile. She looks so happy. This has got to be the best surprise I've ever gotten in my life.

"Oh, oh," Whiskey whimpers as the baby starts move,"Adam, he has your eyes."

"Really!?!" I say positioning myself to see better and sure enough, he had hazel eyes. Suddenly the door bursts open and Sydney and Spencer run in with Tina running after them.

"The planner called me and told me what happened," Tina says,"I came as fast as I could."

The kids move around the bed to get a peek at the new addition.

"Spencer, Sydney...this is your brand new brother," I say moving so that they could see him better.

"Whoa!" Spencer says as he looks at the baby in Whiskey's arms.

"He looks a lot like you Adam," Tina says nudging me.

"Thanks," I say with a low laugh.

"So this is probably the coolest early wedding gift ever isn't it?" Tina says with a chuckle.

"You have no idea," Whiskey says, caressing the baby's head.

"So what do you guys plan to name him?" Tina asks. Spencer and Sydney are playing with some medical instruments but nothing to be worried about.

"I like the name Levi," Whiskey says, not taking her eyes off the baby.

"How about... Levi Ezekiel Levine," I say, sitting on the side of the bed with my arm around Whiskey.

Whiskey looks up at me and smile,"I love it."

"Wait till the press get ahold of that name," Tina jokes.

"Hey, it's better than North West," I say with a raised brow and a chuckle.

Tina laughs,"Fine. You got me there."

Sydney runs over to me and pulls me down to her level.

"Daddy, daddy, see, I told you, God fixed him, so now he gave him back to us,"Sydney whispers in my ear. I chuckle as a tear rolls down my cheek. I guess she was right.

"Tina can you call the planner and make sure she know we're still having the wedding in two weeks," Whiskey tells Tina.

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