Chapter 18

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-Robert's P.O.V.-

Tuk, tuk, tuk.

The sound of the rain storm resonates throughout the house as it crashes against it's side. The powerful sound of thunder crashes what seems like only houses away. My arms stretch out across the couch and press the on button on the remote, resurrecting the T.V.

"There is absolutely nothing of interest to me, out there, on Earth, at all."

Well isnt that interesting, the channel my t.v. turns to is my own movie.I pause the t.v. and go into the kitchen to make a cup of tea, when I hear a light little knock on the front door. It's raining like hell out there, I wonder who is willing to stand on my doorstep in that weather. Well, ok I don't really wonder, but still.

I put the kettle on the stove and hurry to the door. I hear two voices on the other side, and open the door.


"Hey Bobby," She says with a faint smile. Her once lustrous chestnut coloured hair, is now a dark, soaked mop. She's wearing a white tshirt and jeans with a jean jacket.

Sydney is behind her in light jeans and a purple stripped cardigan over a pink shirt. She has the cutest smile sprawled across her face, despite being in the cold rain. Both of them are soaked from being in the rain. 

"What the- Come in. Come in. I'd hate for you guys to get sick," I say, pushing the door open wider so the entrance is bigger. I close the door behind them, banning the cold air from the house.

"Thank you," Whiskey says, placing her and Sydney's bag at the bottom of the stairs.

"No problem, why didn't you just text me you were here so you didn't have to stand in the rain? Oh never mind, I'm just glad you guys are ok," I say, grabbing towels out of the linen cabinet and handing it to them.

I wrap the girls in towels and lead them to the kitchen,"Do you want any tea?"

Whiskey nods,"Yes please."

"You're watching Sherlock Holmes! But you were in that movie," Sydney chirps out.

I laugh,"Yup, and I really did enjoying being in that movie. In fact, do you want to watch it with me over some oreos?" I ask pulling oreos out of my cabinet.

Her face livens,"Yes please!"

I chuckle,"Ok, I'll give them to you, but you have to go shower first. Deal? The guest room is down the hall to the left."

She nods,"Deal!" Faster than a cheetah, she takes off.

Whiskey turns to me and smiles,"Thank you. For everything. Especially letting us stay here."

I shug, getting the tea out of the cupboard,"Eh, it's no big deal. I love both of you, it's the least I could do. You guys can stay as long as you want."

A half smile slips onto her face, but her arms slip over her stomach a if she's hugging herself,"I know you do and I thank you for all your help, I just, you know. I just got out of a really bad relationship. I don't want to rush into anything new."

I lift my hands mid torso,"I know, I know. I just want you to know I'm here for you, always, and I'll give you all the time you need."

She walks over and kisses my cheek,"Thank you for understanding."

Like a blissful dream slipping away, she turns and walks towards my room to take a shower. I proceed to make the tea, keeping my desires at bay.

-Whiskey's P.O.V.-

I know he has the best intentions but I just can't right now. I just had to do the hardest thing in my life. I had to leave a large portion of my heart behind for my own good.

The warm droplets hit my skin but I don't really feel it. I can't enjoy it, I'm so numb from my hurt and the freezing cold. I hurry up because I can't stand being alone right now.

I get out of the shower and look through my clothes. Great. I forgot a pajama shirt. I look for one of Robert's plain tees and slip into it along with my running shorts. My feet glide across the wood floor towards the living room and I see Sydney and Robert having a very animated conversation. It's been a while since I've seen her like that, which really breaks my heart. She loves her dad so much, but he's been spending so much time with his mistress that he's neglected us. I know it hurt her that Adam wasn't around because she'd listen to his albums before she went to bed, and she'd talk to the magazine tear outs of him about her day, wishing she was actually talking to him. I guess I could only protect her so much.

And she's had so many father figures: Simon, Adam, and possibly now Robert. I just wish she could have had a nice and happy childhood, instead she gets this. I guess I can only make the best of now. 

Sydney turns to me, and smiles, getting off the sofa and hugging me.

She looks up at me with Adam's beautiful hazel eyes,"Are you going to leave dad? Like Suri's parents? And is Robert going to be my new dad?"

I'm caught off guard, and speechless. How do I answer this? My muscle contract in a way, making me step backwards, my breath catching in my throat at her questions. Did she really just ask that? And with such ease?

"Sydney, honey, your mom and dad are just having a scuffle. Everything is going to be fine. Now how about those cookies?"

"Oh, ok. Sure," She says following him to the cabinet.

They get their cookies and milk and sit down on the couch together. The movie resumes and I see Sydney cuddle up to Robert, and his arm going around her. They're intently watching the movie and there's a big smile on Sydney's face.

Maybe she'll be ok now. Maybe her life will be more stable here. But she'll always need her dad. I just wish her dad could have offered a more stable life.

I pick up the tea on the counter and sit next to Bobby, resting my head on his shoulder a his arm goes around me, bringing me closer to him.

Why couldn't life with Adam be like this? It's all my fault though.

Ugh, I'm such a fuck up.

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