Chapter 7

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-Whiskey's P.O.V.-

It's been about 7 months since we've gotten Sydney back and it's been a challenge but we are managing. Adam has been casted in a romantic comedy and I'm super happy for him. I'm also in a romantic comedy, but I'm going to be acting with Robert Downey Jr. and I'm super excited about that.


I get up and reach out beside me. It's cold. Adam must've gotten up already. I look at the clock. Agh it's already 7:30 at night, no more mid day naps, I'll just pull on these black jeans and my white v-neck and my boots. Ooo! I'll even wear Adam's red flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up. We had gone out earlier today but we were all so tired we took naps.

I drag my feet into the living room and see Sydney and Adam on the floor together watching some kind of soap opera.

"What are you guys watching?" I ask them as I go into the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee.

Sydney doesn't turn her head, really focused on the t.v. show, but she still responds,"Daddy and I are watching Corazon Indomable."

"You guys are watching a soap opera… In Spanish?" I question as I sit down on the couch behind them.

Adam turns,"Shhh babe, it's getting really good."

I raise my eyebrow,"Honey, you can't understand them."

The two gasps as one of the actresses read a letter she picked up from her coffee table, and they groan when the screen says to be continued in spanish.

"Babe, how were you able to understand them?" I ask, handing him a cup of coffee.

"We just watched and listen to their tone of voice. It got really intense," Adam says sitting down next to me with Sydney on his lap.

"What were you guys even doing watching that in the first place?" I ask kissing Adam's cheek.

"Well since I got that part in that romanitc comedy, I thought I watch a romantic comedy since I haven't seen one in a while."

"Honey, you were watching a soap opera. That's drama, not comedy."

"Well... we turned on the tv and that was what was on, plus Sydney didn't want me to change it."

I turn to Sydney and her shoulder move up to her ears as a bashful smile appears on her face.

I shake my head and kiss her on he forehead. I turn to Adam give him a kiss,"Go get ready, I don't want to be late."

"Alrighty babe," Adam says, picking up Sydney and putting her in my arms. He takes his coffee as he heads into our bedroom.

Sydney turns to me with her big hazel eyes,"I packed my bag last night mommy! How long am I going to stay with grandma?"

Sydney slides off my lap as I start to stand up,"Only a few nights. Daddy is going to be nearby so if you need anything just ask grandma to call him ok?"

She follows me into the kitchen and tugs at my flannel,"Where are you going to be?"

"I'm going to be in Hawaii, I have to film a movie there," I say, getting her lunch together,"Don't worry though, it'll only be for a couple weeks, plus we'll be able to video chat."

Sydney's face lights up,"Yay! I'll go get my bag!" She says running off to her room.

As I finish packing Sydney's lunch for today, Adam comes out dressed in his signature white t-shirt and jeans, and Sydney pulls her suit case over to the garage door.

Adam opens the door for her,"There you go little lady."

"Thank you!" She says oh-so-politely as she drags her bag to the car with Adam in tow carrying his and my duffel bag. I follow them with Sydney's lunch in my hand.

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