Chapter 24

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-Whiskey's P.O.V.-

My head is spinning several miles per hour and it has no signs of stopping. I try to shake it out, only able to slow it down just a bit. My eyes are closed tight together, as I try to grab the reins on my spinning head. I manage to open my eyes slowly but surely  as the spinning starts to slow down and eventually stop all together. Memories flood back to me as I take a look around the little cabin. It seemed so warm and homey back then. Danny and I used to be happy together, we had so many gentle memories here, but this situation seems to erase and nullify them. I'm in the contraption that I saw Adam in earlier, and I can't move my hands and I have little head movement.

There's a snoring sound in front of me and I look up to a horrifying view. Adam is so disgruntled with his ribs poking out and his hair greasy. His face lost all it's color and is replaced by dark cirlces under Adam's eyes, like darkness had made it's home on Adam's sunken face. He has an IV stuck to him 

"Adam, psst Adam," I whisper to him. His snoring ceases rather suddenly and he lifts his head up from his chest. He's in a regular wooden chair, wearing the clothes he wore the day we fought. Like Danny was reminding me that I did this.

His eyes seem hollow, like he's just a shell of a person now, his state causes a stabbing pain in my chest. I can't believe I caused this to him. Salt water starts to sting my eyes as they slip over the rim of my lids and fall down my cheek.

"Adam, god, Adam I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry Adam. I never wanted this to happen. God, you didn't deserve this. Please hang in there, we'll get out of here, just please hang in there, at least for Sydney," I whisper, my voice, hoarse for some reason.

Adam just looks up at me, expressionless. He must be so drugged he can't understand what I'm saying.

"Nice of you to join us Whiskey," Danny says walking in from the kitchen and a sandwich in his hand,"I see you got a chance to see your handiwork. It was very fun I must say."

"Danny, why are you doing this?" I ask, even though I already know.

"Is that a rhetorical question I hear," Danny says lightly laughing, as he sit down in a chair next to Adam,"Well, since I have time, I'll tell you, even though you probably already know."

He injects Adam's IV with some liquid and sits back down,"I'll give you the amended version. When you left, my world literally was thrown upside down. I lost everything, the house, the money, and I was almost always in a drunken stupor. Of course, no one cared so I was left to cope with it myself. Then I got thrown into jail, thanks to your ex-fiance Simon, so then I was in jail for seven years, which is a really long time to fester anger and hatred. So I thought, why should I suffer alone? That poisonous that brought us to where we are now."

"You know, you are a really sick man,"I say keeping my voice level.

"You are the second person who's told me that,"Danny says laughing as he walks towards me,"The thing you're sitting in is called a garrote. I crank this little buggar and it slowly pushes this against you neck, and if I push enough, I'll break you neck. But don't worry, I don't plan to kill you. See Adam here, is sitting freely in a chair because he's gonna be my little helper. I gave him just enough LSD and Sodium pentothal, that he'll do whatever I want him to do."

"No, no, no, don't do it Danny," I say urgently.

"But don't worry, I'll keep him around until the drugs wear off and he can see what he did and then I'll kill him."

Danny gets up and turns on the radio behind him, it must've been a CD because Orinoco Flow plays without static interfeerance.

"Danny,why? No body did this to you. You did it to yourself. I actually did love you for a while, then you just changed," I say pleading for my life.

I see a flash of pain and hurt in his eyes but he shrugs it off and turns to Adam,"Hey, wakey wakey, you see her over there, yea she's a shapeshifting witch. It was her idea to do all of this to you, but she knows you should kill her so she made herself look like Whiskey. The only way that evil thing can die is if you rub her neck with these flowers," Danny says handing Adam a carving knife. The LSD must really be working because he gets up and starts walking towards me.

"Adam! No! NO! Don't listen to him. He's lying!"

-Adam's P.O.V-

This witch is the reason all of this happened huh? I guess she does need to die, but its so hard because she looks like Whiskey.

"Adam, please don't! I love you. You need to snap out of it! Danny gave you drugs to make you think I'm a witch, but I'm not! You can't do this Adam!"

Something happens in my chest and I'm not sure what it is. I think she's telling the truth, but everyhting is just so flopped I'm not sure what's up or down anymore. I step forward but my feet feel like lead. I can feel my head fighting with the drugs to gain control, but I'm losing as each step brings me closer to her.

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