After the A-Hole Left

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I really didn't know what else to say too him so I asked him to leave and today he took out his contacts so instead of brown eyes I got green.That was a real disapointment.Why dose he even talk about me He dosen't even care about me. I always ask him that and what I get is " Why you do you have to make everything so serious?!". I am about to go to a party and get drunk and get him out of my mind."Knock Knock!", I hear my brother say. " Come in Lou !", I say." Hey so I heard you stomping up the stairs, I was going bug you but I  heard France and you talking ,so he got you into some more trouble?" ,say Louis. "Ofcourse he got me into more trouble because he loves me so much", I say sarcastic like. Just so you know Louis is my brother we are real close and he gets me real well but he actually isn't related  we adoted him when me and lilly were younger.He was our birthday present  and since he is the same age as us and no one had his birthday we made it ours to be the same as me and Lily. But don't think because we are labeled as brother and sister that we treat each other like it. Me and him were each others first and Lily was my first kiss but we will go deep into that later.(Back to the situation) 


I really hate that France guy and Hill always seems to want me to leave him alone because she can handle it. I just wish she understood that I really care for her as more than a sister but as a love. I want to take care of her ever since she helped me when I first came to the family.So I tell Hill"Why do you even care for that guy?", it kind of blurted out and I actually didn't mean to say it I knew she was upset because of the way she was blushing when I asked the question.


Why am I acting like this I noramlly will say I don't care for him like that and Louis was still sitting here waiting for my new found answer since he got a new rection. I was hoping something would interupt our conversation. But instead I stayed quiet and Louis helped me let that go by saying,"I was just playing". Him saying that acually embarassed me again and I could feel my cheeks turn red. I was about to say something back but then Louis pushes his face into mine. I never thought he would kiss me with such passion I actually began to pull him onto my body...then I felt something of Louis' that I thought I wouldn't feel again it was his p**** . I was so turned on when I had relized what was touching me. I stopped sucking on Louis' tounge and whispered  in his ear "Let's have some fun", Louis' reaction was a quick nod of the head. I got off of my bed and then went to my bathroom and got the condom I took a little detour to my closet before I got back I bed I slipped into my slik robe with nothing underneath. I came back to the bed and had seen Louis was very excited because he went and put on my favorite music and sprayed some of my vanilla body spray around the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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