Am I Really a Slut?

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Ow! You just kicked me! Quiet down and we don't want get caught . Shut up! I know that I am just making things less awkward for your benefit . Whatever! When did my benefit matter in this relationship?

Oops! "The door opened on accident", says Lily. I am Hillary but I like to be called Hill.The guy I was in the closet with will be explained later ,but currently I have gotten caught with another guy in the house. I know it is so dumb to get in trouble for this but my sister Lily is the snitch of this household no matter how much you pay her.My brother on the other hand who is my twin always got my back if I have his and we are triplets all three of us.I am bringing another boy over tomorrow night because Lily has cheer-leading practice, my brother has soccer practice , and my parents got date night right after work. So other words no snitch,no pay, and not to much hiding. I sometimes love my life.I will be very busy this week because I am single and have no reason to not mingle. I have a fake ID so getting drinks is no problem I will be flirting also and yes even with the females they love the compliments. Right now I am stomping up stairs to make my parents feel bad ass about catching me but I have a boy in my room and he is my for real boyfriend but we don't call it that.

"Wats up babe , u okay?" is the text message I get as I am at my bedroom door touching the knob thinking should I really come in and have a make out session say no to the sex and him punch something and leave it is not always like that but most of the time it is.I am not a virgin if any one is wondering I just want him to be a little diffrent than the other guys.

France is what I call him and he has those light brown eyes and gold natural hair color and the most perfect carmel skin.He knows how to dress and he never tries too hard to be himself. His smile makes my knees melt and he always knows what to say to make you feel better ,when he is not angry.I just want something real with him to let me know what we do can be and maybe will be real.

Anyway he has been rushing me upstairs all night. I wonder if he wants to talk to me about something important.

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