Chapter 5- High like a winded balloon

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The Title has been changed as I now know how to spell Harlot….

Yea, good one kid... I'm such a keeper.  I TOTALLY know what I'm doing here...

Carrying on!


Walking out of Art, I felt surprisingly unsatisfied.  How odd. Art always made me feel energized, it’s scheme of colors, the crazy art teacher, and the messy atmosphere.  It was all there, but something just made me feel a little out of it.  Walking past the doorframe of my usually favorite class, I felt some strange form of uncontentment... possibly from the deal we had to make, but also... with Chase.

Meet me in the gym. I texted Chase, er.. Jackie, and flipped my phone shut, walking my way to the school’s gym, where I didn't particularly like, but I knew Jackie would enjoy, as I seemed to not cary alcohol on my person…. As much as that made no sense, let me make this clear to you, were talking about Chase.

I walked in to find some people away on their workout machines, pumping, treading, pushing, and lunging with quite some extensity and intensity.  Chase has always loved the gym and to a point I did as well, but Chase could be in gyms like this for hours without letting up.  And afterward, we would dance the DDR dance games on our PlayStation 2 pre-concert.  Yeah… you could say we were in shape, but when you are watched like a hawk, looked up at or looked down at, observed by pretty much a telescope you kind of need to be lean.  When you’re under a microscope for so long though, something’s are just normal.. like making sure what I ate, how thin I was, that my hair was always perfect, that my nails were always clean, that my shoe laces were always tied, my pencils always sharpened, my eyebrows always plucked and waxed, my skin perfectly tanned, my homework perfectly done, my social media accounts perfectly tended to every other day if not every day... that's just how it was.

 I went in and sat on a piece of equipment, waiting for her to come in, when I got bored and began working out instead.  I wasn’t quite in gym attire or wanted to mess my hair up, but it was Chase’s clothes anyway so I shrugged it off and continued.

I was pressing 40LBS with my arms and was feeling like an athlete when Chase poked me in the side, making me lose my grip in surprise and as the weights dropped in position, they landed with a loud bang.  She chuckled at me, wich I returned with a glare.  Without caring of the dangers of the equipment, she was laughing!  Even in the situation we were in.

“Jez Cha-Jackie!” I bit.  What was wrong with her?

“What do you want?” She popped her gum, looking around at all the hunks in the room, and smiling.  She winked ahead at one of them.

What. Was. She. Doing?

“I wanted to talk about the deal.” I muttered as I sat up trying to figure why her eyes looked so glossy.

“Yup.” She popped the ‘P’,  “Uh-huh.” She continued and sat beside my machine on one just like it, and began pushing 20LBS quickly.  In my clothes, not that I mind too terribly much about my harem pants, but my blazer did nothing to deserve being stretched out and tortured like it was or had been all day by her.  She barely fit it too, which made it worse on my beautiful clothes. 

“Take the Blazer off.” I said quite strongly for how I usually speak.   Chase really brought out the worst in me sometimes.  But seriously.. that was my blazer, which I took proper care of and was perfectly ironed everytime before I put it away in my closet.

She obeyed and tried getting out of my coat with significant struggle. Normally, I would admit she was a bit too small for my jacket, but really, she looked like a kindergardener trying to take his snowpants off for 5 minutes straight, not knowing where the buttons were, in this case, Chase couldn't find the sleeves, yes you heard me... the sleaves, to the jacket she was wearing.

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