Quick introduction and side notes. (Updated)

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Alright, So! I read a fan fic originally made by @countrygirl2296
called the same as this, I got inspiration from it and I wanted to give it a go myself.

I would love feedback, love and support! So comment what you like or would like for me to improve, I hope you enjoy this story!

Update: so I started this story as a horny 13 year old - five years ago - who wanted to anonymously make a porno story. I do not wish this anymore, but the fact that there are so many that have read this story - even after I've remade it into an actual story, and not a porno.
I'm currently taking the time to actually plan out the roadmap of this story, so it doesn't go dry half way, and so it actually has an ending in mind.

If I'm honest, I would rather work more on my other story - which is more of an original set into the Percy Jackson world - rather than this one any further. But people say they enjoy it, and there are too many unfinished stories on this website to begin with. So I'll try and finish it s best I can.

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