«Totally spies»

Start from the beginning

"Your foods will be here in a very short time. Thank you for visiting us at-"

"Yeah shoo shoo!" Geez, Yellow, she's not a dog. I'm starting to have second guesses for this woman.

Her gaze pierced me, she had her fingers intertwined and her chin rested over them. Her mouth was moving, but I didn't get what she was saying. I just heard noise.


"Huh? Oh, sorry, what was that?"

"I asked about your hometown." She smiled, pulling her phone and placing it over the table. It buzzed and buzzed, it moved from side to side. I stared at the almost alive thing, uh...are you going to pick that up?

"M-my hometown? Well...uh," okay really, that thing is distracting me. "B-Beach city is a very small town really, nothing exciting happened there. Not even in Beach City High, that place was boring as heck."

That place was a mess, almost all the bathroom were out of service, the lockers didn't even have LOCKS, The teachers were absent very frequently and the sub would rarely show up. Let's not mention all the mean girls.

Yellow Diamond picked up her phone and glared at the name on the screen, I think I got a glimpse of it; it said Abomination?

"Ugh, it's my daughter."

Oh wow

"You were saying?" She put the phone on the table again like nothing happened.

"Why didn't you answer?"

"There was no need to, she's probably calling to give me a headache." She massaged her temples.

"What if it was important?"

"Trust me. Peridot just wastes my time. That teen can't do anything right."

"Why's that?"

"She's been committing mistakes since she was...6? 7 years old? Each time I turn my head she's already in some sort of trouble."

She did seem like a trouble maker. Maybe not though...I don't know. I shouldn't be judging a book by it's cover.

"She's still your daughter."

"She does it for attention, Lapis. It's the only thing she knows how to do right."


"THE FOOD IS HERE!" WHAT THE FUCK. The waitress of before bursted in with plates on each hand. Two large & dark red muffins with a pineapple ring on top were handed to Yellow Diamond. For me; four burgers like the size of my thumb were served around a small white glass container with some spicy looking salsa.


"And you're frappé!" She put a pink beverage on the table with a cute umbrella in the middle. Yellow Diamond shooed her hands and the waitress left once again.

"You were saying?" The Diamond lady continued, putting a calm expression for me.

"Huh? Oh yeah! Us teens always look for attention, right?" I pick the toy looking food with my thumb and index finger, dump it in the salsa and bring it up my dry mouth. I take a bite out of it and the spice already burned my lips, though it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. It was bareable.

I asked for the spiciest salsa, not baby food.

"I guess you're right, but, Peridot, she's...different y'know?" Wait...Different? She picked the ring and sunk her sharp looking teeth in to the juicy thing. That's supposed to be sexy but it's just weird now that I just gave it too much attention.

"What do you mean by that?" I said before swallowing and putting the next mini burger inside my mouth.

"Well when she was just a little girl...she...well she had an accident and turned in to this diabolical creature that's missing limbs." She crackled hysterically.

Diabolical creature that what? Is she okay? I think that pineapple went bad or something. How could she express herself like that toward her daughter?

"Hehe..." I tried to chuckle along with her but I looked like a constipated duck. Looking around the place to avoid the awkward, I spot the same people with the hats and dark coats. This time they were looking straight my direction.

I must be very important hehe!

I slowly take out my phone out my pocket to dial 9-1-1, but Yellow Diamond interrupted me. "Between you and me..." the lady leaned a bit to me, "I tried to convince her that she was adopted." She whispered with a grin, a bit of pineapple stuck in her teeth.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being adopted. It's not an insult.

In such an uncomfortable moment, I take one more burger, dump it in salsa and pop it in to my mouth before brushing my uniform and standing up.

"I think I should be heading home now..."

"Oh, well why didn't you say so? Waitress, check please!"

"It's alright, don't bother. I can walk my way home." I smiled before turning to my heel and leaving the restuarant.

I slammed the door open, the small bells over them rambling loudly. I let out a groan and stuff my hands in my pockets, looking around the dark and decent part of the city. I looked down at my shoes to only realize I had stepped in a muddy puddle, it was barely raining, the sky was letting just a few other drops fall like it just ended doing so. It must've rained and I didn't even notice.

Looking back to the restuarant's window and dodging the sight of the big and cursive letters of it's name, I see Yellow Diamond still eating her muffins ,looking down with disappointment.

Aww shucks... maybe she didn't mean it as an insult, I should go apologize.

Just then I realized how terribly mean I was, and with no good reason, I didn't exactly knew if she meant that adopting a child is a bad thing. But I couldn't possibly show my face back to her, so I just turned to my heel and began to walk.

A/N: (*insert piano music with a raspy male voice singing some sad lyrics here*)

The cold drops falling over my warm hair, I shelter myself on a corner of the sidewalk, looking at the few cars that passed by.

Gosh... how am I going to get home now? I don't know which part of the city this is... I should call aunt Diamond.

I pulled out my phone, pressed the button and looked flatly at the black screen.

GREAT! this crap is out of battery. My aunt has to be worried sick. Well she said I could be out– but only until 9:50...and I can't tell the time, so I better just walk and hope for the best.


Adele and Ariana are slaying me with their new albums!

So what does YD mean by Diabolical creature?

What's up with that weird kid Peridot met again saying she has magic?




The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot Highschool AU FFWhere stories live. Discover now