c h a p t e r 3 0 : f o r w a r d

Start from the beginning

I take a huge breath of air in an attempt to calm myself down. "Well, you know how I wanted to take a gap year?"

Mum nods. "Yes, go on."

"So, I thought that instead of staying in this town and just working or something, I thought I could join a volunteer program."

"Where are you going with this, boy?" Dad asks, getting slightly impatient.

"What I'm trying to say is that I applied for a volunteer position with a team headed to South East Asia next month."

"What?" Mum exclaims. "Please tell me this is a joke."

"Sam, how could you apply for this without telling us?" Dad says, anger laced in his voice, getting to his feet.

That's it.

They're going to kick you out of the house for going behind their backs.

I walk towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. "Please, Dad, Mum. You have to understand where I'm coming from. I want to make the most of my time instead of just working and doing things any other person can even if they went to university straight away. I want to make a difference.

"I know this comes as a really abrupt news but, I thought, since no one needs me here, I'll go someplace where I am needed."

"Oh, hun," Mum says, standing up and heading towards me as well, pulling me into a hug. "I need you."

I chuckle. "You know what I mean, Mum."

I pull away from her embrace, looking at Dad. "Please, Dad?" I plead.

"Well, I'm certainly not going to reject this idea. If anything, it's an excellent choice. It'll give you great exposure and it'll certainly look well on your résumé. I'm just upset you didn't tell us beforehand," he replies, smiling.

I look towards the ground sheepishly. "Sorry Mum, Dad."

Dad shakes his head. "It's alright, son. I'm just proud that you decided to take the initiative to try something new."

I nod. "Thank you so much."

He chuckles, patting my back. "I hope you enjoy your time there."

"Anyway, when do you leave?" Mum asks, curious.

"About that," I start, chuckling nervously. "My flight is actually next Monday."

Dad groans. "Oh, Sam. You really have got to make it a habit to tell us of your plans beforehand you know," he says, a hint of laughter in his voice. "You remind me of my brother when he was your age. And maybe a little bit of me as well."

Mum laughs. "Definitely. Your dad is one for pulling last minute things on all of us."


"Yes, really. Once, your dad only told me about the dog he was adopting the day he was due to collect him."

"Dad, why?" I ask, unable to contain my laughter.

He joins in, shrugging nonchalantly. "What can I say? I'm a spontaneous person."

"Right," Mum replies, deadpanned.

"I've really got to start packing," I say, gesturing towards the stairs. "I haven't started and I'm leaving in three days."

Mum waves her hand dismissively. "Leave the packing for tomorrow. It's late already. I'll even help you if you like. Just go and call your brother and sister and we can all have dinner. Finally. All of us on one table," she says, giving Dad a pointed look.

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