21.Worst Nightmare

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Skyler P.O.V

I walked back into the house with my father behind me and all I could do was listen in on Nora. She still hasn't said anything and it made me worry but I had to keep calm for the pack. I Connected with Art tell him to call for a meeting in the hall. I walked in and everyone's face had sad imprinted on it, but I held mine back.

"Alpha, what happened?" A young girl no older then 10 asked me.

I touched her shoulder as I walked to the front of the crowed bring her with me.

"Someone took our Luna and we need to get her back now. I haven't seen anyone do what this man did, disappearing into pink smoke taking her with him." I said and Rima stood.

"He's a vampire." She said making me look at her.

"How do you know?" I asked as she moved from the crowed.

"Because I can do this." She said disappearing and reappearing next to me.

I looked at her in shock but she smiled at me showing she was useful to me and this pack.

"You said his smoke was pink." She said thinking.

"Have you seen this before." Art asked walking to me.

"Yes, Vampire all have a color of smoke showing where they came from or family they came from. Mine is gold but I never found a family or pack but that pink smoke belongs to a family I know from when I was young." She said.

"Can you find this family?" My father asked.

"Yeah I can but its not telling if they would help me, the last time I saw them it was bad. I'm sure they want to kill me if anything." She said looking at Art.

"Nothings going to happen you." Art said with a sweet voice I never heard.

I looked at her and Art knowing she was his mate now and it made my heart burn with sadness.

"Rima you go find that family and Art will go with you." Art almost ran to her but stopped.

"But Alpha I should be with you at all time." He said worried but I shuck my head telling them to go.

"All the Panther is the house meet me out side, and the other hunting wolves and fighter keep this house safe." I said and everyone moved.

I walked out with my father behind as we moved to the back and I looked at my father. He still had a slight look of disgust on his face but I have to say he came along with from hating anyone different. We walked out seeing the Panthers all standing in a line waiting for me to talk.

"You are going to stake out two houses one my brother Ryan and the other Alpha henry." I said and a man raised his hand and I nodded to him.

"Why just us?" He asked confused.

"Ryan has only smelled a panther once and no one else in his pack has so you can move in cover for a while. With Henry you will have wolves with you and you will have to move together coving you smell with but speed and strength is need." I said and the nod moving to the house.

I looked back at where I last saw my kitty cat and I wanted to cry knowing I couldn't stop him. My fist wanted to hit something when my father touched my shoulder.

"I'm going to check if Ryan did this even if I don't think so." He said and I nodded not looking at him.

"I know it hurts and you want that women back but you are just human son, you're allowed to be sad." He said walking away.

Nora P.O.V

I woke up looking around the large fancy room I was sitting in. I was on the ground with my hands tied behind my back and my feet tied together. I looked around seeing book and the room made of gold and sliver. I spotted a man standing next to the door but he never looked at me as I guess he didn't see me. I fell forward worming my way to the open window that I could see, move slowly and quite. I checked back and he still didn't move as I got closer. I moved behind the book shelf as I the shelves to slowly pull myself up. I put my chin on the window edge pull as hard as I could and looking out. I was on the fourth maybe fifth floor and it was a long way down but I didn't worry.

I checked back seeing the man was now gone and I need to move faster now, he could be come for me now.  I pushed my head threw the window and pushed forward hard making me tilt till I feel out. I just had to shift now but I couldn't and I panicked, my cat was screaming to come out but she couldn't. The ground was coming fast and I closed my eyes waiting for my own death when I smell that same smoke.

"Ma'am you are so stupid." The same voice said and I opened my eyes back in the same room as before.

I looked around seeing just him and me in the room as he sat my on top of a table giving me a better look at him. He was dressed like a woman in the 1800 or something with ruffles all over him and a rose in his hair.

"Who are you?" I asked breathing heavy.

"Me dear, I am no one just a delivery boy for pay." He said turning as the door opened.

"Why cant I shift?" I yelled this time.

"Its something dear, I don't know and its none of my business at that." He looked back as the two doors opened.

"Hello sweetie." Henry said walking into the room.

I knew it had to be him and the slight of him made me scared like a little girl again and I moved back a little.

"You look happy to see me." He said stopping in front of me.

I just looked at him as he smiled at me making my skin cold in fear and he started to laugh.

"You're not happy to see me are you well maybe this will help." He grabbed me pulling down.

He wrapped his hand around my waist as he walked me over to the other side of the room. His hand held me tight as I felt his breath over my mate mark, and his hands moving to my breast. He stood me on my feet as his tongue slid over my mark making me feel sick and I gagged. He grabbed my head turning me to him angry.

"I disgust you, you bitch well you know what disgusted me you fucking stupid father. So look at the paint I had to made for him." He yelled into my ear.

He forced my head around and a painting of him in my fathers clothes as my father is lifeless on the ground under his boot. My fathers body is weak and skinny just like he was when he died and blood is on the ground, and is head in Henrys hand.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He asked kissing my neck.

The tears started first followe by the scream that ripped into my head then from my mouth. 

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