14. Pride

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One weeks later

Nora P.O.V

I stretched and yawed as the sun beat down on my face in bed, dame I wish I had ten more minutes of rest. I stood walking to the bathroom to shower but I couldn't help but look at how empty the room was. After our shifting celebration and that whole thing with his brother Sky has been gone off working Art said to me. I looked at myself in the mirror and as I stepped into the shower. I didn't really know how to contact him and I'm sure he doesn't want to talk to me. I'm not sure what I did besides come into the house and stop a stranger from walking around.

"Luna?" Art said in my head.

"What ever it is Art it can wait ten more minutes." I snapped back at him.

"I'm sorry." He said sadly losing the connection.

I cleaned my self and walked out the bathroom naked, I mean now one will see me. I quickly dressed in a beautiful blue sun dress and sandals then headed down stairs where I saw Sky's mother talking with Grand. I walked over to her and she smiled wide at me making me do the same.

"Oh sweetie how are you?" She said walking over to me and hugging me tight.

"I'm fine." I lied to her.

Maybe I would be fine if my mate, who I didn't choose would treat me a little better. I know I made the jerk mad but dame a whole week and I haven't talked to him. I would think the great Apha Skyler would know how to be a dame adult. He acts just like Henry from my pride, if things don't go his way he freaks out like a bitch.

"Did you just call me a bitch woman?" Skyler said angry in my head.

I looked around wildly looking for him but i couldn't find him and by the smirk on his mothers face she knows he connected with me. I couldn't find him but I know he was going to yell at me so I ran away into the house. I never really walked around the house so ever turn i made only got me more and more lost.

"Why are you running away from me?" He said calmly in my head.

I didn't say anything back just ran into a large door to see a very nice workout room. I could hear him running so hide behind a rack with a ton of weights on them. I heard the door open followed by the sound of it closing, so I just waited for him to move. I waited for a long moment and when I didn't hear anything I looked up not seeing him. I stepped out looking around but still nothing so I sat down on a bench taking a deep breath. I didn't notice before but I said the same of my worst enemy Henry, the man that took everything from me.

"What did he take from you?" Skyler said walking out of a door i didn't see.

I stood quickly but he put up his hand and like magic made me sit back down. I looked at him as he walked over to me wearing shorts, a tee shirt and gym shoes. I cant help it I missed the guy and I'm happy as hell to see him but I'm not telling him that.

"I missed you to Nora." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me off the bench as he laid down on it.

"Now, who is Henry and what did he take from you?" He asked grabbing the dumb bell above him.

"Do you really want to hear about this?" I asked hoping he would say no.

"Yes, now talk." He said pushing the thing up and down.

"Well he was my fathers lets say beta and he killed my family and took my place in line, thats it." I said quickly.

"Nore explain that more baby." He said slightly grunting as he pushed up.

"Well my fathers was the king in my pride, and he was loved by everyone but no one loved him more than I did. He did everything with me, even if he didn't have time to he made time. My mother was his betas sister and he never always hated that fact but he loved them both so he let it be. Then my father got sick from cancer and I watched him slowly die in front of me. A man that was 6,4 and 220 pounds of pure muscle, turned into a fragile weak man in front of me." I stopped taking a deep breath and looked at Sky.

He had stopped moving just looking at me feeling my emotions as his own. He reached for me pulling me into a sweaty hug and I took a deep breath smelling him.

"You can stop right now." He whispered.

I nodded pulling from him and looking at him as he started back pushing the thing up and down. I walked around watching him do it seeing his muscles move with every movement. I sat on his lap making him stop from moving.

"Yes?" He said holding the bar above his head.

"Nothing I didn't say stop." I said and he smirked starting again.

"Why did you leave me...I mean the house?" I said quickly.

"Because I have other things to do besides look after people here, I also have to support them and sometimes it takes a while." He said grunting.

I just nodded as my hands moved under his tee shirt slowly rubbing his hard stomach. I didn't mean to but I grinned hard down on him and he instantly got a erection. When he pulled the bar up again I slid down catching his mouth in a kiss. My tongue played with his as I heard the loud sound of him placing the bar down.

"Tell me how much you missed me." Sky said into my mouth.

He reached under me pulling up my dress a gripping my butt hard and pushing me up some. His hands moved slowly before he pushed my underwear aside.

"Tell me how you missed me because I was going crazy being away from you." He smiled at me.

"I didn't think you wanted to talk to me." I whispered to him.

"No, I was being childish I'll admit." He said making me giggle.

"But today we have things to do and you have people to meet." He sat up taking me with him.

"Like who?"

"Like the other two packs that we're with and after that we can have the night together." He softly kissed me when we Grand yelled out.

"Sky! where is my walker!" She yelled and Sky was instantly angry.

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