2.Getting Out.

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I kept running in the thick woods but I never came across anything but more trees. I stopped being tired and worn I sat down looking around. I looked up at the full moon when suddenly grabbed from behind. I started kicking a hissing at whoever may want to be kidnapper was.

"Stop!" The man yelled loud and I obeyed.

He started to walk and the smell of him made me notice who he was, he was my wolf mate and dame he smelt good for a dog. He held me tight walking me back to the house and dame he was strong to hold me up this easy. We made it back to the house and my heart picked up, hopefully, Khel was still there. He kicked the door open and walked me into the house and dropped me on the floor, giving me a funny look when I landed on my feet.

"Alpha did you find her?" The man from earlier said running around the corner.

"Leave!" He yelled and the man ran out of the room.

I tried backing away but he grabbed me around my neck pulling me to him as he ducked down to my level.

"I don't want to have to chase you again." He said with anger in his voice.

"Come on." He yelled and I obeyed.

He started walking and I don't know why I followed him but everything in me forced me to. I could hear my cat screaming out to me to jump him and mark him now but she always feared him as I did. I was all alone in a house full of wolves and if I did the wrong thing my speed could only take me so far. We made it up the stairs and he opened a door and nodded for me to go in, but I didn't move just looked.

"Go!" He yelled and I jumped moving in fast.

He looked at me then to the closet and his face seemed to be painted in disgust when he looked at me.

"Shift back and take a shirt from my closet and put it on, and don't you dare think of running away." He said slamming the door behind himself.

As soon as the door was closed I shifted back and looked at the door, I can't believe this. I knew I shouldn't have taken this job, and even if he was amazing smelling and he was also handsome from what I can tell. I pulled on one oversized shirt of his and it stopped mid tight telling me he was a big guy. I looked up when someone knocked at the door and it cracked open.

"May we enter?" A person asked softly.

"Yes," I said scared of the smell but I didn't know what to do.

The door opened and the three girls from earlier walked in all wearing long dress and walking together.

"She's beautiful." They all whispered to each other.

They walked over to look at me like I was a lab rat ready to get tested on and I didn't like it but I didn't want to anger that guy.

"Why are you in here?" The man said coming back.

My heart started beating at the speed of light and I started to back away from him quickly.

"We just wanted to see her." The three of them said together again.

"Go, now." He said and they all seemed to dance out the door.

I was alone with this beautiful monster and I hated yet love it. 

"What is your name?" He said walking to me.

"Nora," I said wanting to back away from him but I know he would yell at me.

"Why are you an escort?" He asked angrily.

"I needed money," I said looking at the ground.

He didn't say anything else and just looked at me and I couldn't tell if it was disgust or anger. I looked him being careful not to look him in the eye. His hair was black and fell around his shoulder and his jawline was strong, I wanted to see his eyes but I couldn't look up. I was scared of him and I know he saw me change and now I think was a mistake to do that in front of him.

"I am Skyler." He said walking to me in his nice suit.

He reached his hand up and I flinched hard making me move back some.

"Why are flinching?!" He yelled making me go back more.

"I'm sorry," I said fighting the tears that begged to come.

He stopped looking at me and then looked down at my feet, I kept my eyes on him till he looked up. He started for the door but looked back at me when I moved forward a little.

"I have a family," I said hoping he would just let me go to them.

"We will have them come here, tomorrow." He said opening the door.

"Take a shower to wash off that god awful smell and go to bed. If you are not here when I get back you will be punished." He said slamming the door hard.

I stood there waiting for my heart to slow down looking at the door. What did I get myself into, I can't have him for a mate and he should know that. Why didn't he just reject me already? Maybe he wants to have sex with me. I cant being Grand or Jorge into this shit, it was bad that I was the reason we had to leave our home in the first place. I looked at the window on the other side of the room and walked to it. Pulling it open I saw that it was a big jump but I can make it if I made a perfect jump.

I backed up some pulling off the shirt and shifting in the room, my black fur would give me cover so that was something. My cat was screaming at me to not run, to stop and listen to Skyler. He was handsome even if I never looked at his eyes, and he smelled amazing, that name was fit for me Alpha. I couldn't stay here no matter how much my cat screamed at me I had to go.

I jumped on the window and took a good look before I took the big jump down landing on my front paw hard. I fell hitting my head a little and my leg and head hurt but I was going to be fine. I looked around and ducking down and moving forward a little. Two guys stood outside by the door and Khel was gone, fucking jerk. I moved in the shadows slowly till I passed them and on the road that got me here. I ran fast moving as quick as I could, I had to get home.

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